Conference Presentations

STARWEST 2018 7 Fundamentals of a Successful Testing Team

You want to build an effective testing team, but you’re asking yourself, “Where do I begin?” Greg Paskal, a quality assurance engineer with over thirty years of testing experience, shares seven keys to building a successful testing team. Learn the fundamentals every tester should know and how to build upon them to achieve an effective manual and automated testing strategy. Greg’s minimal essential testing strategy (METS), coupled with his proven experience, will help you build an amazing testing organization. Greg will provide specific instruction through each of these seven areas, including fundamentals of software testing, how to begin implementing and executing the METS manual test strategy, outfitting your manual test team with automated testing, and the importance of building strategic partnerships across your IT and technology organization.

Greg Paskal
STARWEST 2018 An Innovative Test Automation Approach without Making Test Cases

Does test automation need traditional test cases? Mehmet Duran says no. Using the open source tool TESTAR, he devised an innovative approach to automated testing. Join Mehmet as he shares the research he conducted to solve this challenge and how he confirmed his findings by comparing test approaches using a new framework with the quality attributes of learnability and usability. Mehmet will also describe he worked with Hatim Chahim of Prorail on a real-world railroad project to try out his theory. After applying the framework, results showed that within this setting, the test automation tool used was able to detect more faults and had higher functional test coverage than the manual test approach. Attend this session to learn more about this innovative approach and how it performed under real-world test conditions.

Mehmet Duran
STARWEST 2018 Risk Based Testing – Are You Talking the Talk, Or Walking the Walk?

Risk-based testing is essential to focus our testing, but it is not always easy to apply to our projects. Risk management tends to focus more on project and process risks (i.e., Will we make the deadline? Do we follow our processes?) and less on the product risks that can act as a foundation for a risk-based approach to test. Including this aspect of risk in your test coverage will give you a solid foundation for defining a test strategy that implements and executes the right tests with the right intensity to mitigate the most critical product risks. In this presentation, Gitte Ottosen walks you through approaches to lightweight product risk analysis that can be applied whether you are working in a traditional or agile context. The approaches focus on the conversation around identifying and classifying product risks as a team effort, as well as how to use product risk analysis to support test specification and execution.

Gitte Ottosen
STARWEST 2018 Automation and Test Strategies to Save Our Project from the Brink of Collapse

Teams are sometimes asked to turn a mess of undocumented, poorly structured legacy code into a robust product under impossible deadlines. Test strategies blending automation, exploration, and refactoring can help focus development efforts and converge even the most chaotic projects. But, where do you start? Join Jonathan Solórzano-Hamilton as he shows how automation can help drive products into a state of release readiness. Learn how refactoring, test-driven development, SOLID principles, dependency injection, and mocking frameworks help break down complex development problems into actionable chunks to delivering reliable, self-documented, and high-performing products. Jonathan walks you through the concepts of “Single responsibility”, “Open/closed”, “Liskov substitution”, “Interface Segregation”, and “Dependency Inversion”.

Jonathan Solórzano-Hamilton
STARWEST 2018 Frontend Testing: Stepping in and Collaborating with Developers

Testing is shifting left, moving closer to testing the code itself before the full product is ready for release. While the backend world already has established methodologies for testing, frontend developers and testers are still trying to figure out how to work together to effectively test the code. Gil Tayar suggests testers need to communicate with the frontend developers to understand the framework by which frontend code is tested, the various kinds of testing that can be performed on frontend code, and which tools can be used. During this session, Gil helps ease your fear of the unknown by teaching you how to test developer code. He discusses various test methodologies you can use and how they fit together in a coherent way. Gil also includes sample code that you can use as a template in your own project. If time permits, we'll get hands on and do a bit of live coding.

Gil Tayar
STARCANADA Automation in Aviation and Mission-Critical Software

Are you confronted with automating tests of large, complex systems? Are there more conditions to test than you can do in a lifetime? Are auditors demanding compliance to a never-ending collection of regulations? Do stakeholders want slick dashboard...

Alexandre Bauduin
STARCANADA From a Testing Team to an Organization Quality Chain

Is testing a bottleneck in your company? Do you uncomfortably squeeze testing into projects? Can you show stakeholders how testing adds value? Sophie Benjamin has spent the last fifteen years answering these questions, transforming testing into add...

Sophie Benjamin
STARWEST 2018 Testing Your Tests: Securing Confidence In Your Automation

The growth of automation testing in today’s software development organizations is changing the way we test applications. Software development practices have matured over the last thirty years to include all forms of testing in order to verify software quality. In the last ten years, there has been a huge spike in the adoption of automated tests, effectively replacing some manual testing practices and supplementing traditional testing activities. Many parts of the software development industry, however, are wary of replacing manual testing with automated testing. Not only is there often a lack of confidence in the automation tests, but some also see automated testing as fragile, unmaintainable, and, ultimately, something with a low return on investment. Max believes that by employing mature software development techniques, we can achieve robust, maintainable tests that deliver confidence in the application under test.

Max Saperstone
STARWEST 2018 Be the Lord of Your OWN Rings: How to Build Your OWN Insider Testing Program

Many testers just don't plain get listened to. Management doesn’t seem to listen despite you having a really good idea on how to reduce costs without reducing quality. How can a well-meaning tester act as an agent of change and change your corporate landscape? Dona is the Lord of the Rings at Microsoft where she co-creates the future of Windows with 10M + #WindowsInsiders all over the world. They are one of the biggest fan and influencer programs in the tech industry—one that helps shape the future of Microsoft technology every single day. She will guide you on how to create a fan and influencer program for your business and empower these members to be your first ring of defense against low-quality products. Come and hear the secrets of modern product testing and how YOU can emerge as the hero of your own story.

Dona Sarkar
STARWEST 2018 Testing Outside of the Box

The cognitive skills of testing are being threatened by two major forces: the assumption that automation can replace all other forms of testing, and the acceptance of lower quality by consumers. You might be feeling like you’re living on an eroding island, but there is a way to adapt and even thrive using your testing skills. Your project still needs to have someone who will question assumptions, examine design, create experiments, analyze data, and report meaningful metrics. It needs your social skill to connect teams who work in silos, bring customer insights to light, and track risks that no one seems to make time to think about. For twenty-two years, Jon was a tester, test manager, test trainer, and test consultant. Now he’s a senior program manager and uses his testing skills differently. What’s your experience? Jon will ask you a few questions via an anonymous polling app and show the results during the session.

Jon Bach


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