Using DevOps to Solve Your IT Problems: An Interview with Sherry Chang In this interview, Sherry Chang, chief architect for Intel IT's DevOps initiative, explains how DevOps can solve many of your lingering IT problems. She defines the term, details how DevOps can be seen as disruptive to some teams, and lists what techniques you should consider using.
What Is Cucumber and Why Should I Care? If there ever were a game changer to energize a development team, Cucumber just may be it. An open source tool, Cucumber helps in the running of automated customer acceptance tests. Matt Wynne, a cofounder of Cucumber Limited, delivers a brilliant introduction to this tool.
High-Performance Agile Testing in Software Development
Agile testing is an approach to software testing that follows the principles of agile software development as outlined in the Agile Manifesto. Since many software development organizations are using agile development practices or transitioning to agile software development, it is very...
Sammy Kolluru
Quality-Driven Delivery in IT
Compromising on quality and customer experience is not an option for IT organizations anymore. To remain relevant, IT organizations and their software development arms must re-imagine how they operate, amplifying their focus on quality while accelerating time to market. Join Doug Sanders...
Douglas Sanders
Mindmaps: Agile and Lightweight Documentation for Testing
Quality starts with requirements. In small to mid-size companies, it is not uncommon for the communication chain to be broken. Florin Ursu shares ways to avoid miscommunication through a streamlined process in which requirements are communicated to both developers and testers...
Florin Ursu
Build Your Open Source Performance Testing Platform in the Cloud
Proprietary performance testing platforms can be complex, expensive, and difficult to scale. With the right approach, everything from continuous integration, to continuous deployment pipelines, to full-scale production loads can be supported, but a dizzying array of platforms, services...
Gopal Brugalette
The Mindset of the Agile Developer Most software development teams these days adopt an agile approach to guide projects through their lifecycle. But, according to Gil Broza, embracing popular practices is not enough. To work effectively in an agile environment, developers must change their mindset.
The Evolution of Software Monetization End-users are demanding anytime, anywhere access to software apps on their devices. These changes are shifting the way software vendors conduct business. Michael Zunke uses the results of industry surveys to show how software products and services should be licensed.
Making the Move to Behavior-Driven Development
Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a hot topic in the development community. Not only does a properly implemented BDD process help drive increased automation and quicker development cycles, it also facilitates better collaboration between departments and reduces siloed communication.
Kevin Dunne
Agile Strategies for Traditional Software Development Teams
Many development and test teams are still working on more traditional software projects that release every few months or longer, rather than daily or weekly. Benefits of adopting continuous development strategies into a standard software cycle include immediate feedback on code changes...
Melanie Drake