

Better Continuous Integration Using Docker with Atlassian’s Bamboo for Better Continuous Integration

Some projects built with Bamboo require the build system to have certain specialized software. Installing the software can become a problem when different projects require conflicting sets of software. To solve this, developers can create remote agents with different sets of software and run them all on the same machine with Docker.

John Wodder's picture John Wodder
Jeffery Payne discusses DevOps Why DevOps Changes Everything: An Interview with Jeffery Payne

In this interview, Coveros CEO and founder Jeff Payne explains why DevOps is changing everything. He talks about how DevOps has to be incorporated as a complete culture change, as well as the differences between good and bad DevOps implementation. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Boost Your DevOps Testing Efforts How to Use Mind Maps to Boost Your DevOps Testing Efforts

Mind maps have several applications, but few QA teams are aware of their usefulness when applied to testing software. Visual, fun to play with, and free to use, mind maps can spur creativity and group collaboration. This article helps explain how to use mind maps to organize your testing efforts, supporting the rapid rate of delivery inherent in a successful DevOps organization.

Mush Honda's picture Mush Honda
Development Lifecycle Performance Monitoring across the Development Lifecycle

The nature of software delivery has evolved significantly over the years. This has led to a change in how application teams work, so the tools they should use to help them deliver software have also changed. Integrating application performance monitoring into the software development lifecycle means issues affecting performance can be fixed before applications are deployed.

Laura Strassman's picture Laura Strassman
The New Agile Testing Quadrants: Bringing Skilled Testers and Developers Together

You want to integrate skilled testing and development work. But how do you accomplish this without developers accidentally subverting the testing process or testers becoming an obstruction? Efficient, deep testing requires “critical distance” from the development process, commitment and...

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc. and Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Verify Complex Product Migrations with Automation

In the world of agile, automation is king. When faced with testing multiple versions of software, either while migrating or supporting multiple versions in the field, many teams give up, convinced that automation cannot be achieved. Marquis Waller and Jeff Sikkink provide insights into how...

Marquis Waller, Ricoh, and Jeff Sikkink, Ricoh
STAREAST 2015: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Make Deployment Automation Work What You Need to Know to Make Deployment Automation Work for Your Business

Deployment automation is becoming more of a requirement for software development teams that are looking to remain competitive. While there are many benefits, there are also a number of areas to consider before implementing a deployment automation solution as part of your software development and release process.

Anders  Wallgren's picture Anders Wallgren
IT Controls Establishing IT Controls for Consistent, Efficient Delivery

Many high-security institutions have guidelines that must be followed in order to comply with industry regulatory requirements. But these best practices can help any company avoid costly mistakes while enabling teams to work faster and more effectively. This article tells you how to get started establishing your own practical and reliable IT controls.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
DevOps Team Finding a Balance of Power on a DevOps Team

There is a natural tension between development and operations. When this relationship is in balance, each side helps the other. But when there is imbalance, bad things can happen. Leslie Sachs details the pitfalls that can sabotage a DevOps team, as well as the checks and balances that will help the team achieve productivity and quality.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs


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