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Lessons Learned from Ancient Wisdom: A Software Review Story[magazine]

Lessons learned long ago from reviews and inspection can be effective today, particularly in collaboration within agile teams. Learn how an organization used review techniques as part of its agile collaboration, including the advantages and potential problems of this ancient wisdom.

Dorothy Graham's picture Dorothy Graham Robert Sabourin
Agile ALM for Delivering Customer Value: Getting Started[article]

In this first part of a two-part series, Mario Moreira writes that a reasonable application lifecycle management (ALM) product will have a common user interface for utilizing the ALM functionality. It will also include a meta-model and process engine to parse and share information across and amongst the various functions within the ALM framework. These technical needs must be accompanied by a strong business case for delivering higher customer value and new approaches for seamless integration.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Don't Forget Operations' Point of View in DevOps[article]

Much of what is written about DevOps—a set of principles that helps development and operations teams work more effectively together—is delivered from the perspective of developers. In my opinion, DevOps needs to also take an operations point of view in order to be effective and practical. This article is all about putting the “ops” back into DevOps, so to speak.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Joe Townsend Choose Your Tools Wisely: An Interview with Joe Townsend[interview]

We recently spoke with Joe Townsend, a software configuration manager with more than twelve years' experience in the field, about which CM tools work best for him—and which ones don't. Joe discusses the need for scalability and honest integration when selecting the right tools for any project.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
What Is the Real Difference between Software Configuration Management and Hardware Configuration Management?[article]

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah recently noticed an increasing level of discussion on CM communities discussing software configuration management (SCM) versus hardware configuration management (HCM). Remember that there are many similarities between hardware and software, but there are certain differences that significantly impact your ability to develop and manage.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Why Agile Works: Focus on the Details of Software Development[magazine]

It's easy to overlook details when your focus is on the big picture. But, if you adjust your perspective, you may find new value in understanding why things work the way they do. Learn why agile works and how it can apply to both complex and simple projects.

Don Gray's picture Don Gray
Respecting Culturally Diverse DevOps Teams[article]

The year ahead likely will be filled with unprecedented challenges in terms of both technology and business demands. While technology and business needs are certainly complex, the people and personality issues may be even more challenging to deal with. This article will get you started with tackling some of these people-related challenges that you will likely encounter in the coming year.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
A Major Award[magazine]

You may remember the "major award" from the film A Christmas Story as "that gaudy leg lamp." But, for Ralphie's Old Man, it’s "indescribably beautiful." Sometimes, the meaning of an award is more important than the award itself.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Exposing and Erasing Organizational Bias: An Interview with Keith Klain[interview]

Keith Klain gives a glimpse at what he'll be discussing at his upcoming STARCANADA session, "Creating Dissonance: Overcoming Organizational Bias toward Software Testing." Learn the numerous benefits of discovering these biases before they do more damage than they've already done.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Information Technology Predictions for 2013[article]

While 2013 may appear calmer compared to 2012 due in part to fewer “big” events scheduled this year, the information technology (IT) industry and profession advances forward. The IT industry, interestingly enough, shapes events in addition to being shaped by events around the world.

James Sullivan
Automating a Process to Attain Higher Quality[article]

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah examines the following three steps that deal with process: defining the process, automating the process, and improving process quality. When a process is automated, problems can be repeated and are much easier to diagnose and correct. As the problems are corrected, we attain higher quality.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Simplicity and Precision: Test Planning in Agile Projects[magazine]

Test planning is often thought unnecessary in an agile project. However, if our mindset is on "planning" rather than "plans," we see that test-planning activities happen throughout the project, taking advantage of levels of precision, i.e., what is absolutely necessary at each level.

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory
2013 Predictions for DevOps and IT Operations[article]

The new year starts out with the perfect storm for DevOps and highlights the need for robust IT operations. Bob Aiello writes that in the coming year, many companies will be focused on stabilizing IT infrastructure and addressing many of the challenges that have so dramatically impacted businesses in recent memory.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
How to Develop Build and Deployment Essentials[article]

Build and deployment are two of the most essential functions that are performed by the configuration management guru. In some ways, they represent the beginning and the end of the release management life cycle. Bob Aiello describes how to develop an effective build and deployment solution complete with all of the other steps that are required as well.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
CM Planning or Planning for CM[article]

Configuration management planning is one of the classic functions that separate organizations with good IT controls from the shops that are mired in making the same mistakes over and over again. Bob Aiello explains what exactly you put into a CM plan and how to create plans that help get the work done more effectively.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello


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