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A Year of Testing in the Cloud: Lessons Learned[presentation]

Jim Trentadue describes how his organization first used the cloud for its non-production needs including development, testing, training, and production support. Jim begins by describing the components of a cloud environment and how it differs from a traditional physical server structure.

Jim Trentadue
Keynote: Testing in a Test-driven World[presentation]

Agile software development has fundamentally changed the way software testing is performed. No longer is testing relegated to the end of the lifecycle where its budgets are cut and its conclusions ignored. Now we live in a world where testing drives development and, for better or worse...

Jeff Payne, Coveros, Inc.
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites[presentation]

Having problems with your website’s performance? Does it take too much time and effort to determine the cause of a particular page’s poor performance? Would you like to find the root cause of client-side issues in an automated way? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then...

Ron Woody, GSI Commerce
Load and Performance Testing in the Cloud: Myth vs. Reality[presentation]

Is the cloud just another overhyped IT buzzword or a transformational technology wave? Steve Weisfeldt helps you get past all the noise and identify how you can leverage the cloud’s flexibility and scalability to save time and money on load and performance testing. Steve describes ways...

Steve Weisfeldt, Neotys
Data Masking: Testing with Near-real Data[presentation]

Organizations worldwide collect data about customers, users, products, and services. Striving to get the most out of collected data, they use it to fuel many day-to-day processes including software testing, development, and personnel training. The majority of this collected data is...

Martin Kralj, Ekobit
Building an Enterprise Performance and Load Testing Infrastructure[presentation]

Are you frustrated by how long it takes your IT department to provision development and test environments? Have you performed load testing on inadequate hardware only to find performance problems emerge in production? Dave Ogletree leveraged virtualization to solve these problems.

Dave Ogletree, Bridgepoint Education
Reports of the Death of Testing Have Been Greatly Exaggerated[presentation]

Have you heard? It’s all over the social media. We are the “last generation of testers.” Testing is dead. No more classical testing—too much inflexible process. Context driven? That is a code phrase for do whatever. Agility? Developers do testing, and testers become developers. DevOps?

Ruud Teunissen, Polteq Test Services BV
Testing with an Accent: Internationalization Testing[presentation]

Finding time to test the basic functionality, performance, and security of a system is difficult enough, so how do you find time to add internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) testing? Today’s world is very small, and you may already have international users in your target market.

Paul Carvalho, STAQS
Keynote: Surviving or Thriving: Top Ten Lessons for the Professional Tester[presentation]

As testers and test managers we often find ourselves struggling just to survive within our organization—sometimes with the possibility of job loss due to outsourcing looming. Often, we are told to become more “effective,” “efficient,” and do “more with less.” However, most testers and test...

Lloyd Roden, Lloyd Roden Consultancy
Mobile Testing Methodologies: Trends, Successes, and Pitfalls[presentation]

In today's dynamic mobile marketplace—where new handsets and mobile operating systems are released every day—your ability to deal with these changes which impact your mobile product is vital. The mobile application lifecycle today must be short; must be of great quality; cover...

Eran Kinsbruner
From One Expert to Another: Steve Berczuk From One Expert to Another: Steve Berczuk[article]

Steve Berczuk is a software developer, writer, and experienced practitioner of software configuration management (SCM) and agile software development. He is a co-author of the book Software Configuration Management Patterns: Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration, contributed to the book 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. Last year, he interviewed Dan Wellman about test-driven development. In this installment of From One Expert to Another, it’s Dan’s turn to interview Steve about the ins and outs of SCM.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Joe Farah The Past, Present, and Future of CM Tools: An Interview with Joe Farah[interview]

We're sitting down with CM experts to discuss not just their backgrounds in the field, but what their favorite tools are and why. This week, Joe Farah at Neuma Technology provides a great deal of information on what tools are leading the way today, and what we can expect from them in the future.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Are Personality Issues Leading to Anxiety and Dysfunctional Ops? Are Personality Issues Leading to Anxiety and Dysfunctional Ops?[article]

The root cause of bad service may have much to do with a personality trait known as anxiety and the often-dysfunctional defense mechanisms people resort to in an attempt to deal with its discomfort. If you want your IT operations group to be successful, then you need to consider the personality issues—at both the individual and group levels—that may impact their performance and your success.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Collaborating with ALM and Agile: An Interview with Karthik Ravindran[interview]

Karthik Ravindran, Microsoft Senior Director - Visual Studio Product Management, discusses the evolution of ALM and agile and how each can reach its full potential when they are working together in an organization.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Eight Mistakes that Prevent DevOps Success Eight Mistakes that Prevent DevOps Success[article]

DevOps is more than just a buzzword; it’s about delivering value to customers faster and more reliably. Jonathan Thorpe explains eight mistakes that can dramatically increase cycle time and slow the flow of releases to customers, which is counter to the goals of DevOps.

Jonathan Thorpe's picture Jonathan Thorpe


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