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Puzzling My Way Through Cobit 4.1[article]

The isaca Cobit 4.1 framework has thirty-four IT processes which include a considerable amount of information on exactly how to establish effect IT controls and, more importantly, successfully meet your IT compliance requirements. Bob Aiello takes a walk through each of the Cobit controls and discuss, in practical terms, how improved processes can be successfully implemented and supported.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
The Origins of DevOps[article]

DevOps is a term that is being used by many different technology professionals to refer to emerging best practices in application (and systems) deployment. But what exactly is DevOps and where did it come from? Bob Aiello takes a look at the recently hyped term.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Management Myth 13: I Must Never Admit My Mistakes[article]

Managers are people, too. They have bad-manager days. And, even on good-manager days, they can show doubt, weakness, and uncertainty. They can be vulnerable. Managers are not omnipotent. That’s why it’s critical for a manager to admit a mistake immediately.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Tackling Challenges with Agile Teamwork: An Interview with Janet Gregory[interview]

Janet Gregory shared with us some of the wisdom she's gained through her decade of experience with building strong agile teams. After defining "agile testing" we discussed how to ensure it succeeds. Janet is giving two sessions at the 2013 STARCANADA conference in Toronto on April 9 and 10.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
What Is CM Architecture, Anyway?[article]

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah writes that there are two sides to answering that question. One deals with your CM solution’s architecture, and the other, which may be closely related, deals with the architecture of your tools.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Learning GNU Make Functions with Arithmetic[article]

GNU Make has no built-in arithmetic capability. In this article, I present a collection of GNU Make macros that implement functions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers. Functions are also provided for integer comparisons such as “greater than” and “not equal.” These macros are implemented entirely using GNU Make's built-in string manipulation functions.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Got Configuration Management Best Practices?[article]

Why is it that we keep revisiting configuration management “best practices”? It is not that they are not well covered. It is because they keep changing and every time we look at the process of development from a different perspective, we learn something new. Ben Weatherall found that what we do under the guise of CM differs in how we identify the problems to be solved, how we address those problems, and even what tools are appropriate.

Ben Weatherall's picture Ben Weatherall
Has DevOps Failed?[article]

DevOps has been front and center lately (2011 and 2012) with many organizations working to embrace deployment its recommended practices—sometimes referred to as agile systems administration. However, Bob Aiello writes that in some ways, DevOps has failed and we need to hold our own retrospective to understand how we can best improve.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
2012 Technology in Review[article]

2012 was an amazing mix of challenges, achievements, and even a few notable disasters for those in technology. Here are a few things to consider in understanding the year behind us and preparing for the peopl challenges that no doubt await in the year ahead.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
I’ve Got a Feeling: Emotions in Testing[magazine]

There are people who believe that emotions have no place in software testing when, in fact, the opposite is true. Decisions about quality are always emotional. If you want to be a better tester, get in touch with your feelings.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Did You Know That Your Product Portfolio Is in Trouble?[article]

Based on his own work experiences, Anupam Kundu has found some patterns (or anti-patterns) that explain why product managers and product teams have a hard time managing their portfolios.

Anupam Kundu
Software Testing Is a Game[magazine]

Skilled testing—an important part of creating valuable technology—is under attack. We need to rethink the problem, analyze why people resist testing, and create approaches to make it more engaging. Gamification provides one model to help us improve our approach.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
How Can I Become a Test Automation Entrepreneur?[magazine]

In Better Software's FAQ, SQE trainers answer the questions they are asked most frequently. In this issue, Linda Hayes talks leveraging your automation expertise.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
It's All a Matter of Perspective[magazine]

Everyone has a unique perspective on problems at work. Help your problems make it to the top of the queue by expressing them in terms of business value.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Season Cycle Moving Round and Round[magazine]

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister


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