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Goal, Goal, Who's Got the Goal? Goal, Goal, Who's Got the Goal?[article]

Don Gray explains why software development teams need three common goals: long term, mid term, and short term. These goals focus a team and provide the glue that holds the team together.

Don Gray's picture Don Gray
Thoughts on Infrastructructure, Technical Debt, and Automated Test Framework[article]

I’ve had several conversations in email and with clients recently that have all been about this question: “What do we do about our infrastructure?” Either the project or the program has to create/update/upgraded their architecture or automated test infrastructure, pay down technical debt, or somehow do something that’s not part of a story.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Transformative Development: How to Begin Application Development in the Cloud[article]

There is a lot of buzz in the IT industry around cloud computing and its impact on driving greater efficiency across an IT organization, but when considering adoption of cloud computing infrastructure, where should an organization begin? The application development lifecycle can be a good starting point.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Wherever You Go: Testing Mobile Applications, Part 1[article]

In this interview with mobile testing expert Jonathan Kohl, he discusses some of the finer points of exploring the software that we carry with us everywhere.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
Podcast about Transparency Posted[article]

Tom Cagley interviewed me a few weeks ago on his Software Process and Measurement Cast. It’s posted now, as # 180.

When Tom interviews me, he makes me think. This is good. I would love to hear your comments about this one. We started with transparency and wove our way around to several topics. I even ranted about the craziness of individual raises and how that disturbs the system of working in teams.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Testing in the Agile World with Vu Lam[article]

In this Sticky ToolLook interview, QASymphony CEO Vu Lam discusses testing in the agile world, from documentation to communication and improving the feedback loop.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Can You Hear Me Now? Yes...and Everyone Else Can Too[presentation]

Mobile devices-connected to the world through the Internet, web, networks, and messaging-are everywhere and expanding rapidly in numbers, functionality, and, unfortunately, security threats.

Jon Hagar, Consultant
Selecting Mobile Application Automation Tools[presentation]

Today’s mobile application market holds massive promise for devices and applications that exceed user expectations.

Pradeepkumar Govindasamy, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Better Testing through Cultural Change[presentation]

Even though you employ the best testing processes, techniques, people, and tools, the overall effectiveness of your testing effort will always be bounded by your organization's commitment to quality.

Clifford Morehead, ThoughtWorks Inc
Test Process Improvement with TMMi®[presentation]

The Test Maturity Model integration® (TMMi®) model, developed to complement the CMMI® framework, is rapidly becoming the test process improvement model of choice in Europe, Asia, and the US.

Erik van Veenendaal, Improve Quality Services BV
xBTM: Taking Full Advantage of Exploratory Testing[presentation]

Exploratory testing provides both flexibility and speed, which have become increasingly important as more and more projects adopt agile where scripted tests are struggling to keep up with the quick pace of short iterations.

Christin Wiedemann, AddQ Consulting AB
Managing Intrateam Dysfunction[presentation]

Inspired by her years of consulting with large and small test teams, Dawn Haynes shares her observations of the most common and troublesome dysfunctions within software project teams-absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avo

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Practical Threat Modeling: Engaging Testers Early[presentation]

Threat modeling is one of the most important activities that development and test teams should perform as part of a security development lifecycle.

Edward Bonver, Symantec Corporation
Mobile Testing: Old Wine in a New Bottle?[presentation]

In the enterprise, mobile adoption is increasing at a fast pace-and so are the concerns about security, reliability, and quality for the software that drives mobile devices.

Manish Mathuria, InfoStretch Corporation
Be the Tester Your Dog Thinks You Are[presentation]

Most of us grew up wanting to be firemen or astronauts or teachers-not testers. Eric Jacobson, an average guy and not incredibly technical, loves software testing and his career in testing as much as his dog loves him.

Eric Jacobson, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.


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