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Quality and the Cloud: Realities and Costs[presentation]

Testing organizations want to take advantage of the cost savings of cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Clinton Sprauve, Micro Focus
STARWEST 2011: Session-based Exploratory Testing on Agile Projects[presentation]

One of the challenges associated with testing in agile projects is selecting test techniques that “fit” the dynamic nature of agile practices. How much functional and non-functional testing should you do?

Bob Galen, iContact Corp
New Generation Record/Playback Tools for AJAX Testing[presentation]

While some in the test community talk about record/playback technology as dead-end test automation approach, a new generation of open source record/playback test tools that every tester should consider is now available.

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
Structural Testing: When Quality Matters[presentation]

Jamie Mitchell explores an underused and often forgotten test type-white-box testing. Also known as structural testing, white-box techniques require some programming expertise and access to the code.

Jamie Mitchell, Jamie Mitchell Consulting
Get Testers Out of the QA Business[presentation]

Why is the testing department often misnamed "Quality Assurance?" We testers usually aren't allowed to control the scope of the product or change the source code.

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Testing in Production: Which Version Wins?[presentation]

Would your marketing department like to know which website feature will excite online customers to buy more products, return to your site again and again, and increase revenue and profits?

Harish Narayan, Vistaprint
The Force of Test Automation in the Salesforce Cloud[presentation]

What would happen if your company doubled or even tripled its number of releases and asked you to do the same with your testing? What if the number of developers doubled and your testing staff remained the same size?

Chris Chen,
STARWEST 2011: Concurrent Testing Games: Developers and Testers Working Together[presentation]

The best software development teams find ways for programmers and testers to work closely together to build quality into their software.

Nate Oster, CodeSquads LLC
Pushing the Boundaries of User Experience Test Automation[presentation]

Although full test automation of the user experience (UX) is impractical and unwise, there are approaches that can save you time and resources.

Julian Harty, eBay, Inc.
Managing Test Data in Large and Complex Web-based Systems[presentation]

Are you testing an application or web site whose complexity has grown exponentially through the years? Is your test data efficiently and effectively supporting your test suites?

Ron Schioldager, Wells Fargo
Top Ten Disruptive Technologies You Must Understand[presentation]

The consumerization of enterprise software applications is no longer on its way-it is here.

Doron Reuveni, uTest
A Crowdsourcing Success Story[presentation]

Today, many organizations are using crowdsourcing to develop and test their products. Anu Kak presents an overview of how eBay has applied this concept both internally and externally to improve their development and testing.

Anu Kak, PayPal, Inc.
Cloud Computing: Powering the Future of Testing[presentation]

With the advent of agile development processes, the expected cycle time for building and shipping quality software has been cut dramatically. Yet, much of the IT infrastructure testing used has remained the same for most companies.

Sundar Raghavan, Skytap
STARWEST 2011: Seven Key Factors for Agile Testing Success[presentation]

What do testers need to do differently to be successful on an agile project? How can agile development teams employ testers’ skills and experience for maximum value to the project?

Janet Gregory, DragonFire, Inc.
Test Automation Magic: Pushing the Frontiers[presentation]

The evolutionary cycle of test automation appears to have hit a plateau. Krishna Iyer and Mukesh Mulchandani believe it is time to push the frontiers again for another cycle of improvements.

Krishna Iyer, ZenTEST Labs


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