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Using the Amazon Cloud to Accelerate Testing[presentation]

Virtualization technologies have been a great boon to test labs everywhere. With the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), these same benefits are available to everyone-without the need to purchase and maintain your own hardware.

Randy Hayes, Capacity Calibration, Inc.
Automating Test Design in Agile Development Environments[presentation]

How does model-based automated test design (ATD) fit with agile methods and developer test-driven development (TDD)? The answer is “Superbly!”, and Antti Huima explains why and how.

Antti Huima, Conformiq, Inc.
Reducing the Testing Cycle Time through Process Analysis[presentation]

Because system testing is usually what lies between development and release to the customer-and hopefully more business value or profit-every test team is asked to test faster and finish sooner.

John Ruberto, Intuit Inc
Focusing with Clear Test Objectives[presentation]

Frustrated with your team’s testing results-sometimes great, sometimes lacking? Do you consistently over promise and under deliver? If these situations sound familiar, you may be suffering from the ills of UCT (Unclear Test Objectives).

Sharon Robson, Software Education
STARWEST 2010: Tour-based Testing: The Hacker's Landmark Tour[presentation]

When visiting a new city, people often take an organized tour, going from landmark to landmark to get an overview of the town.

Rafal Los, Hewlett-Packard
Exploratory Testing of Mobile Applications[presentation]

Exploratory testing-the process of simultaneous test design, execution, and learning-is a popular approach to testing traditional application software. Can you apply this approach to testing mobile applications?

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts, Inc.
Transform Your Lifecycle-Virtualize the Test Lab[presentation]

Every tester has heard "it works on my machine" from a developer, referring to a defect deemed to be non-reproducible.

Theresa Lanowitz, voke, Inc.
Alternative Testing: Do We Have to Test Like We Always Have?[presentation]

Are the “old ways” always the “best ways” to test? Julian Harty shares his thought-provoking ideas on when traditional testing is-and is not-appropriate and poses alternatives for us to consider.

Julian Harty, Consultant
Building a Successful Test Automation Strategy[presentation]

You have been told repeatedly that test automation is a good thing and that you need to automate your testing. So, how do you know where to start?

Karen Rosengren, IBM Global Services
Take a Chance-Testing Lessons Learned from the Game of MONOPOLY®[presentation]

For years, MONOPOLY® has entertained countless people with the fictional thrill of what it might be like to make a killing in real estate-or to lose your shirt.

Rob Sabourin,
The Human Side of Testing[presentation]

Software testing is a unique profession.

Thomas McCoy, Department of FaHCSIA
Becoming a Great Tester: Inspiration, Perspiration, and Renewal[presentation]

Three recent and contrasting trends in software development and IT-agile methods, increasing infrastructure complexity, and the requirement to align more closely with business stakeholders-are reshaping testing’s role.

Isabel Evans, Testing Solutions Group Ltd
STARWEST 2010 Keynote: Lightening Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Lightning Talks have been a very popular part of many STAR conferences throughout the years.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Test Team Leadership-Yes, There's a Place for It in Agile[presentation]

One of the gravest misconceptions about the agile methodologies isn’t about documentation, teamwork, quality, or productivity. It’s about the role of leadership and management in the adoption and sustained operation of agile practices.

Bob Galen, iContact
You're Either On the Train or On the Tracks: Radical Realities Shaping Our Future[presentation]

Because the number of applications and environments are exploding, the rate of change is increasing exponentially, and the scope of risk has never been wider or deeper.

Linda Hayes, Worksoft, Inc.


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