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STARCANADA Delivering the Goods: Harmonizing Regulated and Agile Practices[presentation]

Agile testing is hard. Testers contend with terse requirements, minimal process, little documentation, continually evolving business, technical and organizational factors. Auditors demand proof of compliance. Some teams have trouble conforming to regulations while preserving agile practises..

Griffin Jones
Supporting Continuous Testing with Automation Supporting Continuous Testing with Automation[magazine]

Create tests that can be used in a continuous testing environment, build the right number of tests, and don’t fall victim to the mistaken belief that everything can be automated.

Bas Dijkstra's picture Bas Dijkstra
All Customers Are Not Created Equal All Customers Are Not Created Equal[magazine]

Software developers may not think they have much to do with customers, but it is wise to consider the customer in all you do, from collecting requirements to design and implementation.

Regina Evans's picture Regina Evans
Cover of the Summer 2018 issue of Better Software magazine Great Big Agile: An OS for Agile Leaders[magazine]

Following agile ceremonies may make an organization feel good, but that’s only a start. “Great big agile” requires leadership at all levels to focus on self-organization and empowerment as a universal framework.

Jeff Dalton's picture Jeff Dalton
Icons showing test optimization 5 Ways to Optimize Tests for Continuous Integration[article]

Many teams have existing automated test suites that are not included in a continuous integration program. Maybe the tests take too long to execute, or they are not reliable enough to give accurate results. Here’s how to assess your test suites in terms of value added and time to execute, along with five proven strategies to optimize those suites for CI.

John Ruberto's picture John Ruberto
Gene Gotimer Understanding the Role of QA in DevOps: An Interview with Gene Gotimer[interview]

Gene Gotimer, senior architect at Coveros Inc., discusses understanding the role of QA in DevOps, DevOps educational tools, trusting your team, and paid and open source security tools.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Glenn Buckholz Serverless Technology and Integration with DevOps: An Interview with Glenn Buckholz[interview]

Glenn Buckholz, a technical manager at Coveros Inc., discusses methods to gain an understanding of serverless technology, the motivation behind businesses moving to serverless technology, and how a serverless infrastructure changes your testing strategy and bug reports.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Agile DevOps East Shu-Ha-Ri Applied to Agile Leadership[presentation]

Far too many agile instances either fail or underperform because the leadership team members don’t sufficiently understand agility and their role within it. They don’t understand the fundamentals or how to map them to effective execution.

Bob Galen
Agile DevOps East Limitless by Choice: Discover Your Team's High-Performing Potential[presentation]

Every one of us has the potential to be limitless in our careers, personal life, and everything in between! Yet most of us—yes, including you—are only achieving a fraction of what you are capable of.

Jessica Soroky
Agile DevOps East Agile Leadership Conversations in the Fishbowl[presentation]

It can be lonely at the top. Trying to find other leaders who are having the same problem and issues you have and are willing to take a few minutes and help solve problems is really hard.

Bob Galen
Agile DevOps East Future-Proofing Testers in the Age of AI, ML, and Bots[presentation]

We're all hearing the buzzwords of AI, machine learning, chatbots, and next-generation testing. Does this mean that the days of traditional testing as we know and practice it are over? Eran Kinsbruner doesn't think so.

Eran Kinsbruner
Agile DevOps East Make Agile Work for Any Team[presentation]

Are parts of your organization embracing agile while others become more resistant, disconnected, or frustrated by the idea?

Laura Burke
Agile DevOps East Agile Distributed Teams: Oxymoron or Viable Option?[presentation]

Many surveys indicate that more teams work in distributed environments. But agile approaches work best when people collocate, huddle around a problem, and closely collaborate on the best solutions that will deliver value.

Mark Kilby
Agile DevOps East User Stories Are like Onions: Let's Peel Away the Layers[presentation]

In the world of agile product development, user stories are like onions ... and no, that doesn’t mean they stink or they make you cry (although they have been known to do both).

Katrina Thacker
Agile DevOps East Service Virtualization: How to Test More by Testing Less[presentation]

Agile teams tend to struggle in getting development and testing in sync. Many teams run minified waterfalls, where testers get working code a few days before the end of the sprint—and tools usually can't help.

Paul Merrill


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