The Latest

Are They All Neurotic? The Psychology of the Software Engineer[presentation]

In recent years, psychologists have come to a nearly unanimous consensus on the number and nature of human personality dimensions.

James McCaffrey, Volt Information Sciences, Inc.
We Need It by October: What's Your Estimate?[presentation]

Letting good estimates made by smart people be overwhelmed by the strong desires of powerful people is a cardinal sin of project management.

Tim Lister, Atlantic Systems Guild, Inc.
Quantitative and Statistical Management Applications[presentation]

There is no longer any question that-when appropriately used-quantitative measurement and management of software projects works. As with any tool, the phrase "appropriately used" tells the tale.

Edward Weller, Integrated Productivity Solutions, LLC
Establishing an Organization-wide Project Performance Baseline[presentation]

Performance measurements have now become a mainstream management practice in many, often large, development organizations.

David Garmus, The David Consulting Group
Timelines, Artifacts and Owners in Agile Projects[presentation]

Knowledge of agile development processes is spreading through publications, training, and experience. And now organizations are taking on larger projects using agile methods.

Hubert Smits, Rally Software Development
The Principles and Practices of Scrum[presentation]

Scrum is best defined as an agile, lightweight process used to manage software and product development using iterative, incremental practices.

Rob Myers, Net Objectives
Practical Software Sizing with Testable Requirements[presentation]

A new strategic project is in the design stages-how much will it cost? Your application requirements are constantly growing-what is the impact? System testing is scheduled soon-how much time and what resources will we need?

Karen Johns, Mosaic, Inc.
Measuring and Monitoring the End Game of a Software Project: Part Deux[presentation]

How do you know when a product is ready to ship? QA managers have faced this question for years.

Mike Ennis, Accenture
Real World SOA: From Concept to Application[presentation]

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is becoming a widely adopted approach for enterprises to attain agility and economy while meeting their Information Technology (IT) needs.

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
Retrospectives: A Superior Alternative to Traditional Postmortems[presentation]

Organizations have traditionally relied on project postmortems to assess the performance of product development teams. The irony is that "postmortem" literally means "after death," implying a discussion of project failures.

John Terzakis, Intel
Emergent Designs: Design Patterns and Refactoring in Agile Development[presentation]

With the increasing deployment in agile development methods, many teams and organizations are learning about the practice of refactoring as an integral part of development.

Alan Shalloway, Net Objectives
Developing a Software Product Line[presentation]

Today's tools and techniques for software development tend to focus on individual products.

Charles Krueger, BigLever Software
Better Software Conference 2007: Lightning Talks: A Potpourri of 5-Minute Presentations[presentation]

Lightning Talks are nine five-minute talks in a fifty-minute time period.

Tim Lister, Atlantic Systems Guild, Inc.
Ten Habits of Highly Effective Measurement Programs[presentation]

Accurately measuring product quality and process capabilities is challenging in any software organization. Most organizations do not attempt any real measurement at all, and the ones that do often fail miserably.

Ian Brown, Booz Allen Hamilton
Better Software Conference & EXPO 2007: The Art of SOA Testing: Theory and Practice[presentation]

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on Web Services standards has ushered in a new era of how applications are being designed, developed, and deployed.

Rizwan Mallal, Crosscheck Networks


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