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The Plight of the Servant Leader[magazine]

A ScrumMaster's accomplishments often are overshadowed by the success of his team. But like every human, these leaders have a need for esteem and self-fulfillment. Learn ways you can help to increase your ScrumMaster's job satisfaction.

Stacia Broderick
Putting Policy in Its Place[magazine]

Establishing policies is the easy part. How do you ensure those policies are being universally applied and adopted? Find out how Microsoft's Policy Injection Application Block can help solve some of your policy dilemmas.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
Why It's Important for CM and Project Management to Work Together[article]

One of the problems with Configuration Management (CM) and Project Management (PM) is that the tools and the data repositories for each are separate. As a result the processes are quite separate. The project manager takes a set of requirements and decomposes them into tasks, which are then prioritized, scheduled and assigned. The CM team creates configuration items and tries to tie the CIs back to the requirements so that they can be properly audited. When CM and PM work together they tend to enhance each others function, and eliminate potential overlap in the processes.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Allowing Project Management (PM) to Help Configuration Management (CM)[article]

Is there a place for project management in the establishment of a configuration management (CM) infrastructure?  If so, then how much project management should be included?  A thin but strong layer of PM may be helpful to tie tasks together and keep
project team members in-sync with one another. 

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
A Sanity Check for Job Applicants[article]

Hiring people is the most important responsibility of any manager. Hire the right person and a team can take off and soar. Hiring the wrong person can tear a functioning team apart. Yet, all too often, managers don't give the hiring process the attention it deserves. Usually we are too overwhelmed by the work that made us want to hire somebody in the first place. In this article, Peter Clark hopes to save you time by offering some tips to help you choose the right people to interview.

Peter Clark
Painless non-recursive Make[article]

In this article, Mr. Make outlines a pattern for non-recursive Make systems that supports the familiar make-anywhere style common to recursive Make systems.  Typing make in a directory will build everything in that directory and below.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Do You Work in IT?[magazine]

A self-professed latecomer to IT, Danny Faught has a new appreciation for the challenges faced when developing products for an internal customer rather than products for sale.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
Reap the Rewards of Recognition[magazine]

Everyone likes to feel as if her hard work and good deeds have been appreciated. In this installment of Management Chronicles we discover how the words "thank you" can become a powerful management tool.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
The Whorfian Hypothesis[magazine]

Benjamin Whorf hypothesized that the language we speak constrains the thoughts we can have. Learn how a well-developed organizational vocabulary can help increase the quality of your products.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Jack Be Agile, Jack Be Lean[magazine]

Lean software development and agile software development are two approaches for creating new software. But how much do you really know about them? Do they compete or complement each other? Discover how agile and lean processes can work together for sustainable product development.

Al Shalloway's picture Al Shalloway
To Track or Not to Track[magazine]

What's your take on the defect-tracking debate? Are defect logs helpful repositories of knowledge or cumbersome, inefficient inventories? Lisa Crispin took to the trenches to find out how different industry workers view defect-tracking systems. Find out what they had to say.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Hurry Up & Wait[magazine]

There are no industry standards for Web response times. How long a user is willing to wait for a Web page to load depends on any number of variables and conditions. Find out how to determine and quantify performance criteria and use those criteria to create happy customers.

Scott Barber's picture Scott Barber
Building the Test Management Office[presentation]

It's the life challenge of a test manager-leading testing while keeping the work under control. If it's not poor code, it's configuration glitches. If it's not

Geoff Horne, iSQA
Test Estimation: A Pain or ... Painless?[presentation]

Agile methodologies may be coming soon to a project near you.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
STAREAST 2007: Positioning Your Test Automation Team as a Product Group[presentation]

Test automation teams are often founded with high expectations from senior management-the proverbial "silver bullet" remedy for a growing testing backlog, perceived schedule problems, or low quality applications.

Steve Splaine, Nielsen Media Research


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