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Top Ten Tendencies That Trap Testers[presentation]

A trap is an unidentified problem that limits or obstructs us in some way. We don't intentionally fall into traps, but our behavioral tendencies aim us toward them.

Jon Bach, Quardev Laboratories
Communicating the Value of Testing[presentation]

Test managers constantly lament that few outside their group understand or care much about the value they provide and consistently deliver. Unfortunately, they are often correct.

Theresa Lanowitz, voke, Inc. and Dan Koloski, Empirix
How to Make Your CM Process Agile[article]

To make your CM process agile, go through it and identify how you can reduce end-user complexity, tool misfits, and areas of greatest risk. An agile CM process is one that supports all team members, making them more productive and simplifying their management tasks.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
‘Oh Process!' - How does it matter?[article]

Location: IT organization with clients all over the globe

Scenario: Project team busy in getting things ready for code delivery to client. They are infuriated when Quality Auditor comes for audit.

Background: Project facing schedule overrun

Actors: Developers, Testers and Team Leader

Though this is a common scenario faced in majority of software organizations across the globe, it cannot be written off by saying that, it is got to do with the people who resist process or process which doesn't aid delivery.

Balaji OS's picture Balaji OS
Scaling Agile Processes: Five Levels of Planning[article]

Experience gathered during large-scale implementations of agile concepts in software development projects teaches us that agile methods, like Scrum, do not scale to program, product and organization levels without change. However, various planning frameworks have, in fact, been used successfully in large-scale agile projects, which can broadly be defined as projects that involve over 50 people and take months or years to complete.

STAREAST Testing Be More Effective: Test Automation below the UI[presentation]

To maintain optimal product quality of large-scale enterprise systems, the regression test suite usually increases in size over time. Whether using automated or manual regression, this brings an additional maintenance and infrastructure cost that tends to get way out of hand, often...

Ashish Mehta and Sohail Farooqui
Atomic Rules in GNU Make[article]

This article looks at what to do if command updates more than one file, and how to express that so that GNU Make knows that more than one file was updated and behaves correctly.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Feedback without Fear[magazine]

Does the word "feedback" make you cringe? How about "configuration management"? Steve Berczuk has a pain-free plan for using your build environments and software configuration management system to provide the feedback that is essential to a successful agile project.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Analysis Paralysis and the Law of Imperfect Plans[magazine]

Humans don't handle complexity well, and we certainly can't see the future—which helps explain why our plans and designs so often are flawed. In response to this truth, our guest technical editor offers Payson’s Law of Imperfect Plans. Embracing this law can help you avoid the dreaded analysis paralysis and accept that perfection just isn't possible.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
A Classic Example[magazine]

Many systems architects have a technology—centric view of service-oriented architecture. This article emphasizes the need to understand the business side of SOA before tackling the technology and illustrates this need with a look back in time.

Dan North's picture Dan North
Testing Around the World[magazine]

These days outsourcing is a pretty familiar concept in this industry. Has globalization hit your company yet? Naomi Mitsumori has been involved in sending testing work offshore, and she has six suggestions that can help you successfully manage the transition.

Naomi Mitsumori
The QA Catchall[magazine]

Pssst. You with the QA hat on. Would you be surprised to learn that you probably don't work in a QA department? Find out why what you are doing may not be QA, and discover some practices you can implement to insure that A really does stand for assurance in your organization.

Alan S. Koch
Attack of the Fifty-Foot Favors[magazine]

When your boss constantly has you doing favors for another group, it can get in the way of fulfilling your own responsibilities. Find out how defining your work mission to your manager and illustrating how "small" favors potentially cut into company revenue can help to get everyone on the same page.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
When in Doubt, Reframe[magazine]

One often overlooked testing skill is understanding what our clients are saying--in addition to the words that actually come out of their mouths. Sometimes reframing a seemingly irrational response can lead to a higher level of communication and a more productive relationship.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Indulge in Code Review[magazine]

Code review is one quality initiative you can't afford to skip. Don't have time for a full-blown, line-by-line review? No problem. Discover how even something as simple as a peer review can benefit your project and ultimately improve your code.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding


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