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Crucial Test Conversations[presentation]

Many test managers feel that Development or Management or The Business does not understand or support the contributions of their test teams. You know what? They're probably right! However, once we accept that fact, we should ask: Why?

Robert Galen, RGCG, LLC
Testing the Heathrow Terminal 5 Baggage Handling System (Before It Is Built)[presentation]

London Heathrow Terminal 5 will open in March 2008. This new terminal will handle 30 million passengers a year, and all of these passengers will expect their baggage to accompany them on their flights.

Roger Derksen, Transfer Solutions BV
Business Rules-Based Test Automation[presentation]

All business applications implement business rules. Unfortunately, the rules can be very dynamic due to changes in requirements by external organizations and internal forces.

Harish Krishnankutty, Infosys Technologies Limited
Risk-Based Testing from Theory to Practice[presentation]

With mounting pressure to deliver high-quality applications at breakneck speed, the need for risk-based testing has increased dramatically. In fact, now practically everyone involved in testing claims to be doing risk-based testing.

Susan Herrick, EDS - Global Testing Organization
Employ Tomorrow's Customers to Staff Your Testing Team Today[presentation]

Regression testing of the Vital Images' medical imaging software was a continual challenge.

Alex Dietz, Vital Images Inc
An Arsenal of Answers[magazine]

Be ready with an answer the next time you're asked, "How long will it take to test this product?" Dive beneath the surface of the question to understand what your manager really wants to know.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Testing Web Applications for Security Defects[presentation]

Approximately three-fourths of today's successful system security breaches are perpetrated not through network or operating system security flaws but through customer-facing Web applications.

Michael Sutton, SPI Dynamics
Managing by the Numbers[presentation]

Metrics can play a vital role in software development and testing. We use metrics to track progress, assess situations, predict events, and more.

John Fodeh, HP - Mercury
Test Automation Centers of Excellence[presentation]

Many organizations want to automate their testing efforts, but they aren't sure how to begin. Successful test automation requires dedicated resources and automation tool expertise-two things that overworked test teams do not have.

Jennifer Seale, Nationwide Insurance
Modular Test Case Design:The Building Blocks of Reusable Tests[presentation]

The use of modular design in programming has been a common technique in software development for years.

Shaun Bradshaw, Questcon Technologies, A Division of Howard Systems Intl.
You're the New Test Manager - Now What?[presentation]

You've wanted this promotion to QA/Test manager for so long and now, finally, it's yours. But, you have a terrible sinking feeling ...

Brett Masek, American HealthTech
Piles of Sand[magazine]

When was the last time you thought about floating-point arithmetic? Chuck Allison says in order to attain maximum accuracy we need to brush up on our floating-point number knowledge and get back to our roots.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison
The New IEEE 829 Testing Standard: What You Need to Know[presentation]

You know about it. You've used it. Maybe you've even loved it. But now, after all these years, the IEEE 829 standard, the only international standard for test documentation, has been radically revised.

Claire Lohr, Lohr Systems
Measuring the Effectiveness of Testing Using DDP[presentation]

Does your testing provide value to your organization?

Dorothy Graham, Grove Consultants
Behavior Patterns for Designing Automated Tests[presentation]

Automated GUI tests often fail to find important bugs because testers do not understand or model intricate user behaviors. Real users are not just monkeys banging on keyboards.

Jamie Mitchell, Test & Automation Consulting LLC


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