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Change Management Is Essential to the Building Processes[article]

Building is considered to be one of the fundamentals of configuration management, even though some might argue that building isn't really CM. The reason it is fundamental is that the build/verification cycle provides proof of reproducibility if done correctly. It forces CM to be done correctly so that only the objects from the CM repository are used to reproduce the build. When formal build processes are correct, they need no information that resides outside of a CM repository. When properly done, the build record is created prior to the build (i.e., a build notice) rather than as a result of the build, with that record being used to drive the build process. An integral change management capability is an essential component of such a build process.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Are You Still Building from the Tip Revisions?[article]

How do you build? How do you select the source code files to include in a build? How do
you identify the revisions, or versions, of the files to include a build? Do you build from the tip revisions in your version control system or do you build by selecting a specific revision of every source code file? Do members of the development team specify the changes to include in each build or do you sweep in all changes implemented at the time of the build? When do you build from revisions in the mainline of the version control system? When do you build from revisions in a branch?

Michael Sayko
Knowledge Empowerment for the Virtual Development Team[article]

Let's face it, nowadays going from version 7.0 to version 8.0 means working with a dispersed team of developers who aren't necessarily located in the same corner of the building - if the same corner of the world.

Software development and configuration management are often conducted by professionals in locations distributed about a larger virtual environment.  In fact, the Gartner Group estimates that by 2008, 41 million corporate employees worldwide will work virtually at least one day per week. 

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Rails Edge 2007 - Mike Clark - Pragmatic Studio and RailsEdge[article]

Mike Clark discusses his involvement with RailsEdge and other conferences that he's thrilled to be involved with. As a rails developer, Mike offers a great deal of insight in the language's capabilities in software development in this informative podcast.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
The Basics: Getting environment variables into GNU Make[article]

The most basic rule of GNU Make and the environment is that any variable set in the environment when GNU Make is started will be available as a GNU Make macro inside the Makefile.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
A Box of a Different Color[magazine]

Are there elements of glass box testing and black box testing that overlap and can be helpful to either type of tester? One developer looks at the gray area between black box testers and glass box testers and comes up with some surprising results.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Up the Organization, Redux[magazine]

Certain management principles are enduring and able to cross the boundaries of industry In this month's Technically Speaking, Lee Copeland takes a look at the software development applications of his favorite management book.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Big, Complex, and Tested? Just Say "When": Software Development Using Presenter First[magazine]

Looking to bridge the gap between code and customers? David Crosby and Carl Erickson elaborate on the benefits of an approach called Presenter First, a simple technique that can be repeated as many times as needed to get the job done.

David Crosby
The Power of Three: A Trio of Techniques for Testing Databases[magazine]

Unit tests are meant to demonstrate something only to the developers of the software. Make the best use of testing with databases by taking advantage of these helpful techniques, which demonstrate something to a wider range of interested parties.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
The Case of the Missing Fingerprint: Solve the Mystery of Successful End-of-Project Retrospectives[magazine]

Through this tale of a planning spreadsheet and its effect on three different projects, learn the impact a single decision can have on a project--and pick up some helpful tools like fingerprint graphs and project timelines along the way.

Jennitta Andrea's picture Jennitta Andrea
One Step Back ... Two Steps Forward[magazine]

A change to code that previously was working may introduce new failures. Testing for regression can catch these failures, find new problems, and identify opportunities to improve your test design.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
A Few Good Bugs[magazine]

When a factory comes to a screeching halt and the collected team managers start pointing fingers at team members and ducking blame, one manager sets a valuable example by offering up a name--his own.

Patrick Bailey's picture Patrick Bailey
Principle-driven Development[magazine]

Challenges are inevitable in software development, and formal methodologies may obscure the simpler, basic rules that govern quality. When faced with an overwhelmingly complex challenge, look to proven principles.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison
Module Baselines within a Service Component Architecture[article]

This is an ongoing of series of articles about configuration management using baselines in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) environment. Baselines for the Service Component Architecture (SCA) is one of most difficult areas to understand because SCA uses multi-layer baselines, and also there is also a difficulty of long-lived and short-lived processes.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Financial Aspects of Configuration Management[article]

Many people think that to large companies Configuration Management is seen solely as a technical role and as a cost burden to the company. The following article explains however some of the financial aspects of the role. These are examples that have occurred during my role as Configuration Manager in several companies. In these roles I have been much
more than just a technician.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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