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Ruby And WATIR: Your New Test Automation Tools[presentation]

Ready to start writing your own test scripts? Not sure of what tools to use? Kalen Howell discovered Ruby, a powerful scripting language that is easy to learn. Using Ruby led Kalen to WATIR, an open source tool written in Ruby.

Kalen Howell, LexisNexis
Implementing a Final Regression Test Process[presentation]

After applications move into production, it is vital that subsequent additions or modifications are thoroughly tested and that the entire system is re-tested to ensure that it still functions after these changes.

Jeff Tatelman, Avaya
Quantifying the Value of Your Testing to Management[presentation]

Congratulations, you're a true testing expert. You know all there is to know about test planning, design, execution and reporting, performance tests, usability tests, regression tests, agile, SCRUM, and all the rest. But it’s still

Arya Barirani, Mercury
Software Disasters and Lessons Learned[presentation]

Software defects come in many forms--from those that cause a brief inconvenience to those that cause fatalities.

Patricia McQuaid, Cal Poly State University
Security Testing: From Threat to Attack to Fix[presentation]

Based on his years of experience in security testing, Julian Harty believes that most system stakeholders don't understand-or even recognize-the need for security testing. Perhaps they will pay an external consultant to perform an

Julian Harty, Google, Inc.
STARWEST 2006: Positioning your Test Automation Team as a Product[presentation]

Test automation teams are typically created with the expectation of facilitating faster testing and higher product quality. To achieve these goals, the test

Satya Mantena, Nielsen Media Research
Back to the Beginning: Testing Principles Revisited[presentation]

In 1976, Glenford Myers listed a set of testing principles in his book Software Reliability. Computing has changed dramatically since those days! iPods have more computing power than the Apollo spacecraft. Testing has even been

Erik Petersen, Emprove
The Nine "Forgettings"[presentation]

People forget things. Simple things like keys, passwords, and the names of friends long ago. People forget more important things like passports, anniversaries, and backing up data. But Lee Copeland is concerned with things

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
The Largest Case Study of Code Reviews—Ever[article]

In May 2006, we wrapped up the largest case study of peer code review ever published, done at Cisco Systems®. The software was MeetingPlace® — Cisco's computer-based audio and video teleconferencing solution. Over 10 months, 50 developers on three continents reviewed every code change before it was checked into version control. We collected data from 2500 reviews of a total of 3.2 million lines of code.

This article summarizes our findings.

Jason Cohen
More Stress, Less Distress[magazine]

An overwhelmingly harsh test will expose dramatic vulnerabilities, but stress testing requires sensitivity to the unexpected. In this article, Michael Bolton directs readers out of the automated-testing comfort zone and toward better methods of spotting unanticipated problems.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Agile SCM: Martial Arts Principles[article]

The authors look at software configuration principles in terms of how they might relate to the martial arts. They discuss ways to learn new skill and master them, how to handle conflict, energy, efficiency, and timing.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Infrastructure Management Keeps Reliable Applications in the Race[article]

Development teams in companies spend considerable amounts of time, resources and effort to design reliability into the applications they build to support business processes. Ask anyone responsible for delivering products or services about building quality and reliability into their offerings and they'll all tell you the same thing: it's a lot less expensive to build quality and reliability into processes upfront versus fixing problems in the field.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Measure what Matters[article]

The old adage goes "you cannot manage what you cannot measure". True enough, but where do you start in implementing a measurement program? What information is really important? And, how do you decide what to measure and what will matter to others? 

No one in this audience will disagree that metrics and ongoing analysis is a crucial element in effective software project management. However,  metrics programs do have their
challenges. Let's admit it, metrics can be difficult, time-consuming and challenging to derive. Development managers will relate tales of woe of their teams spinning through cycles to pull out metrics lacking in relevance to the business. This approach to measurement is a thankless exercise that can paralyze the entire project team. 

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Six Ways to Build Reliable Applications[article]

I came across a paper the other day in Better Software titled, "Code Improvement" by Jeff Grover and Zhon Johansen. It's a short, but good article focusing on developing well-designed code. My favorite point was "Start/Finish each task by refactoring". In other words, stop the entropy of expanding your software solution by ensuring that the code is as minimal as necessary to meet the requirements. There are parallels in the CM world that ultimately lead to a reliable CM process and tool support capability. In this article, I'll venture where I don't usually go: inside our own development environment to bring out a few points that may apply equally to general development and to a CM environment.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Managing Process Facilitators[article]

The term "Process Facilitator" refers to the people in your organization whose primary responsibility lies in improving the effectiveness of the work that the teams are doing. This responsibility is mainly around the process the teams are using, but also encompasses less tangible aspects of work such as team development, organizational culture change, administrative and technical tools, and working with other Process Facilitators both inside and outside of your organization. Since the role of the Process Facilitator is so broad, it can be difficult to understand and effectively support Process Facilitators who report to you. This article helps you with this challenging task.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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