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Managing Offshore XP Teams: Organizational Models and Tools[article]

The essence of Extreme Programming (XP) is making the customer a part of the team who works very closely with the developers, ideally communicating on a daily basis. However, what about a situation where your development team is offshore? Is it possible to have the best of both worlds, realizing the gains of offshoring without losing the benefits of XP? How do you keep the momentum and the communication flow going, at the same time ensuring seamless integration of the deliverables into the customer's production environment at the XP pace?

Peter Vaihansky's picture Peter Vaihansky
sample query, which uses LINQ to find items in a collection Finding the Missing LINQ[article]

After years of searching for and being disappointed by database tools, Tod Golding found a solution when he wasn't looking. Microsoft's Language Integrated Query (LINQ) provides a dynamic bridge for the gap between developer and database.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
The Pros and Cons of Four Kinds of Code Reviews[article]

The authors explore the pros and cons of four other common styles of code reviews—over-the-shoulder, email pass-around, pair programming, and tool-assisted reviews—and see which ones is the most promising candidate for practical peer code reviews.

Jason Cohen
William Robert Elmendorf: In Memoriam[magazine]

A look back at the life of Bill Elmendorf.

Richard Bender's picture Richard Bender
Planting Seeds of Software Awareness[magazine]

Some of the most powerful tools for software developers are now free--a fact which Chris McMahon believes should help bring small businesses and local developers together in the creation of custom software. Read of how he plans to accomplish this on a local level.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
The $60 Web-Testing Toolbox[magazine]

A tester can use a Web browser all day to conduct functional testing, but a browser won’t provide much detail or insight on its own. Learn how to improve your functional Web-testing capabilities on a budget with thes $60 Web-Testing Toolbox.

Brent Strange
Overtime Under Control[magazine]

Test managers are in the precarious position of being responsible to both the project and the team, but the manager and team know best whether overtime will help or hinder project progress. In this installment of "Management Chronicles," a test manager keeps the concerns of her team in mind when evaluating the need for overtime.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Master of Your Domain[magazine]

Function testing is easy, according to Michael Bolton, and domain testing is only a little harder--but there are catches. In this column, he offers some tips to help you keep the risks of domain testing under control.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Power of Persuasion[magazine]

Twenty years ago, Brian Marick defined a small startup's company process and coding standard in his position as head of quality assurance--and didn't win any popularity points. Looking back, Brian thinks that he and others in charge of process would be more successful using persuasion than using commands.

Brian Marick
The More Things Change ... Revisiting a Software Culture[magazine]

In 1994, Karl Wiegers published a popular article titled Creating a Software Engineering Culture. More than a decade later, he reviews his fourteen principles on software development to see how they've stood the test of time.

Karl E. Wiegers
japanese "ba" and the Art of Development Environments[magazine]

The flow of knowledge is more than mental. Better your team and improve your output through an adjustment in physical surroundings. Jean Tabaka describes the Japanese philosophy of "ba" and what it can mean to you and your development team.

Jean Tabaka's picture Jean Tabaka
Risky Business: A Safe Approach to Risk-Based Testing[magazine]

When you’ve got more tests than time, you prioritize based on risks. But risk-based testing has risks of its own. Randall Rice offers some advice on balancing risks with contingencies to take some of the bite out of risk-based testing.

Randy Rice
developer interview questions Recognizing Agile Candidates[article]

Recognizing candidates who are capable of performing well on agile teams doesn't require keyword searches through a stack of resumes. It requires asking candidates questions that allow them to show you they understand the principles and can apply them in their daily work—even if their resume doesn't list particular terms. In this column, Johanna gives some excellent tips for the interviewer and the interviewee.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Finding the Missing LINQ[magazine]

After years of searching for and being disappointed by database tools, Tod Golding found a solution when he wasn't looking. Microsoft's Language Integrated Query (LINQ) provides a dynamic bridge for the gap between developer and database.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
Does Senior Management Really Care About Quality?[article]

"Sometimes," Bob mused, "It seems like senior management doesn't care about the quality of the systems we build. I wonder if they care about quality at all?"


"Oh, there is no question in my mind!" Sue assured him. "I know that they don't care. All they care about it hitting a schedule. They couldn't care less about how well the software works!"


Meanwhile, in the boardroom:  "What's wrong with your people?" the COO barked at the CIO. "They can never seem to deliver a system the works right. Between the bugs that have to be fixed and the difficulty that people have with figuring out how to use it, I wonder if we might be better off using pencil and paper!"

Alan S. Koch


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