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Review Secrets: Asking Better Questions[article]

Payson Hall broke onto the software development scene as a maverick programmer, but his penchant for imposing his ideals onto others created more enemies than allies and sometimes detracted from product quality. In this week's column, a more experienced Payson recalls how he exchanged hubris for humility and shares lessons learned during his transformation that help him craft constructive reviews.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
A Bug's Life[presentation]

The quality of software is directly related to the number and severity of bugs in software when it goes into production.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
The Power of Continous Integration with Automated Unit Tests[presentation]

Better, faster, cheaper-the mantra of many software methodologies and tools. Can it ever be true?

Jeffrey Fredrick, Agitar Software Inc
Software Metrics to Improve Release Management[presentation]

In large organizations with multiple groups or multiple projects, developing consistent and useful metrics for release management is highly challenging.

Nirmala Ramarathnam, The MathWorks Inc
Agile Offshore Development: An Oxymoron?[presentation]

Companies that master Agile development in a multi-shore environment can benefit from reduced calendar time to implement new features, early development feedback to make course corrections, and increased development team responsiveness to cha

Roger Nessier, Symphony Services
Successful Software Managment: Fifteen Lessons Learned[presentation]

We normally think about process improvement as something applied to projects. But process improvement is also for people-and even for managers.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Managing Upward: Getting Approvals for the Tools You Need[presentation]

Executive management does not like to spend money (on others); however, to build better software you may need to purchase better tools.

Doug Smith, Aberro Software
Validation: What It Means in an FDA Regulated Environment[presentation]

Even though formal validation may not be required in unregulated environments, many mission-critical applications could benefit from performing some of the same activities required for FDA regulated systems.

Chrys Kyee, Genentech Inc
Testing SOA Middleware: Automating What You Can't See[presentation]

SOA projects employing Web services have multiple back-end integration points, volatile data, and no direct, visible user interface. Together, these factors make SOA applications complicated to test.

Jon Howarth, Wells Fargo
Industry Benchmarks: Insights and Pitfalls[presentation]

Software and technology managers often quote industry benchmarks such as The Standish Group's CHAOS report on software project failures; other organizations use this data to judge their internal operations.

Jim Brosseau, Clarrus Consulting Group, Inc.
Successful Outsourcing with the Crawl-Walk-Run Strategy[presentation]

Large organizations may have the resources for expensive, big-bang offshore outsourcing projects. But what should small- and medium-sized organizations do when tasked with outsourcing?

Uttiya Dasgupta, Omnispan LLC
Process Improvement - Can I Make a Difference?[presentation]

Although some organizations already have formal processes in place, many do not. Most process improvement begins with one person or one department deciding to do something rather than accepting the status quo.

Stephanie Penland, SAS Institute Inc
Managing Distributed Teams[presentation]

Globalization, open source software, and cheap communications have forever changed the structure of software development project teams. Project managers face a new set of challenges with geographically distributed work teams.

Keith Casey, CaseySoftware, LLC
Beat the Odds in Vega$: Measurement Theory Applied to Development and Testing[presentation]

James McCaffrey describes in detail how to use measurement theory to create a simple software system that predicts with 87 percent accuracy the results of NFL professional football game scores.

James McCaffrey, Volt Information Sciences, Inc.
Smoke Tests to Signal Test Readiness[presentation]

Plumbers use "smoke tests" to find leaks in pipes when it is impractical to completely seal a plumbing system.

Aditya Dada, Sun Microsystems Inc


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