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Adventures in Session-Based Testing[presentation]

Many projects' first test approaches are characterized by uncontrolled, ad hoc testing. Session-based testing can help you manage unscripted, reactive testing.

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions
Managing Your Master Test Suite[presentation]

What is your master test suite made of? Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails? If you're like most testing organizations, that probably isn't too far off.

Dale Bettine, Intel Corporation
Testing and QA with eXtreme Programming Practices[presentation]

A Java development project team had proceeded to 25% completion using the traditional waterfall development method when they were suddenly asked to adopt eXtreme Programming (XP) practices and continue with the project.

Sanjay Srinivas, Sabre Inc
Testing Microsoft .NET Web Services[presentation]

What the heck is a Web service and how does one go about testing it anyway? A Web service provides encapsulated functionality with an interface for sending and receiving information, but it doesn't have a user interface.

Thomas Arnold, Xtend Development, Inc.
Test Automation: Reducing Time to Market[presentation]

Test automation has remained a popular topic for discussion among testers. In this session, Jim Dougherty walks you through the development of an actual, first-stage automation process.

James Dougherty and Keith Haber, Lexis-Nexis
A Quick Lesson in Test Estimation[presentation]

You're a software tester who's just been given a new project. You understand what's important to the customers, users, and other stakeholders in the new application, so designing and implementing your tests are no problem.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
Performance Testing for Web Services[presentation]

Web services is a hot topic. Ever wonder, what are they really- or how can we test for the performance and scalability of these new types of Web applications?

David Weir, Keynote Systems Inc
Tackling the Test Automation Challenge: The Centralized Team Approach[presentation]

There's no doubt that setting sail into the test automation universe is a challenging endeavor indeed.

Dave Torresan, RBC Financial Group
"Excel-erating" Test Status Reporting[presentation]

As a tester, you're often asked how far along your testing effort is, and when it will actually be done.

Earl Burba and Jim Hazen, SysTest Labs
A World-Class Infrastructure for Performance Testing[presentation]

The IBM Global Testing Organization's performance test infrastructure is solely responsible for certifying the performance of all IBM enterprise Lotus Notes and Web applications before their deployment to end users.

Naomi Mitsumori, IBM Global Services
QA/Testing in an eXtreme Programming Environment[presentation]

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software methodology that puts a heavy emphasis on testing by developers.

Robert Martin, Object Mentor
Growing Up to be a Good Test Manager[presentation]

The day-to-day complexities of managing a test team can be a daunting responsibility for a new test manager or a beginning test lead.

Jon Hagar, Lockheed Martin
Testing Internet Explorer: From Underdog To Best-In-Class Browser[presentation]

While a test team with world-class automation may not be the only thing standing between your product and success, it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Jason Taylor, Microsoft
The Power of Modern Testing[presentation]

Testing continues to be thought of as the poor neighbor of software engineering. This appears to be due to the occurrence of numerous, well-publicized software failures.

Les Hatton, University of Kent
Conversations I Never Expected to Have as a Test Manager[presentation]

There are times in a test manager's career when the work situation becomes surreal. If you've been in situations where you think you must be dreaming, sometimes it helps to look at things from the other person's perspective.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group


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