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Why Software Fails (And How Testers Can Exploit It)[presentation]

Testers know all too well that software fails. If we can understand the fundamental reasons why this happens, we can become more efficient and effective at finding bugs.

James Whittaker, Florida Institute of Technology
The Influential Test Manager[presentation]

Many of us have worked in test groups where we felt as if we didn't have enough time, staff, or computer resources to do the work. We may not even know precisely what we need to test.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Senior Management Asks: Will We Ever Finish Testing?[presentation]

Based on his testing experiences, Mike Lee illustrates through practical examples the steps taken to dramatically raise the probability of a successful test improvement implementation.

Mike Lee, CPT Consulting
Using the ICED T Model to Test Subjective Software Qualities[presentation]

Since the subjective aspects of software quality do not lend themselves to being put into numbers or graphs, they are often overlooked.

Andy Roth, Rational Software
Using the Tools You Already Have for Testing[presentation]

This presentation identifies ways to use available or inexpensive tools to develop test scripts, organize test data, and produce test reports.

Robyn Brilliant, Fannie Mae
STARWEST 1999: Test Estimation[presentation]

How often have you been asked the question, "When will system testing be completed?" without knowing the final scope of the functionality, when the system will be ready for testing, and what test resources are available.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Finite State Model-Based Testing on a Shoestring[presentation]

Are you concerned because your automated tests have stopped finding bugs? Are you tired of fragile test sequences that break whenever the application changes? If so, model-based testing has some answers for you.

Harry Robinson, Microsoft Corporation
Implementing a High Performance Development/Test Process Model[presentation]

Explore how SynQuest implemented an evolutionary three-stage process of forming high performance teams who integrate test and quality throughout the product development process.

Lisa Fobare, SynQuest, Inc.
Code Coverage: Don't Release Without It[presentation]

How do you know if you have done a good job of testing your product? Banged around on the product and found no problems? NOT! The only way to assure you are fully testing your product is by running code coverage numbers while you test.

Brent Coursey, BMC Software
What to Do Before Implementing Automated Testing[presentation]

This presentation examines steps you should take before attempting to implement automated testing in a production environment.

Bill Pearce, Corbel
The Awful Truth About Logic-Testing[presentation]

This presentation covers conditions and expressions; truth tables; normal form patterns; modified condition/decision coverage; constructing an MC/DC test set; tools for checking MC/DC coverage; unique cause coverage; basic unique cause design

Dave Gelperin, Software Quality Engineering
Ensuring Software Maturity Via Software State Criteria[presentation]

You can increase confidence in software releasability (quality, time-to-market) by implementing processes that allow you to gauge and benchmark software maturity via software state models.

Fareed Shaikh, Automatic Data Processing
How to Write Better Test Cases[presentation]

Test cases are the biggest investment and greatest asset of a software quality team. Dianne Runnels explains practical methods to maximize the return on this investment through clever strategies and writing techniques.

Dianne Runnels, Interim Technology Consulting
Automating Testing Across The Enterprise[presentation]

This presentation draws the following conclusions:

  • Simplify Complex Environments by Breaking Them Down into Components
  • Test for Regression
  • Test for New Functionality
Andrew Pollner, ALP International Corporation
GUI Application Modeling for the Automatic Generation of Test Scripts[presentation]

Explore two different methods for modeling a GUI application's user behavior and variable input to automatically generate test scripts.

Brad Dasko, Lucent Technologies


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