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Soap Opera Testing[presentation]

It is far from easy to develop good tests. Translating requirements one by one into test cases ins't always good enough.

Hans Buwalda, CMG TestFrame Research Center
Outsourcing the Software Testing Effort: A Negotiating Checklist[presentation]

This presentation raises several of the issues involved in partial or complete outsourcing of the software testing effort.

Cem Kaner, J.D., Ph.D., Florida Tech
Manage Testing by the Numbers[presentation]

Telcordia's Software Quality Assurance Testing Organization Business Model was developed to assist its SQA Testing Management Team in becoming more effective and productive in managing SQA testing.

Sharon Burrell, Telcordia Technologies
Toward a Totally Automatic Test Scripts Generation[presentation]

The component testing phase remains mostly a human activity. In particular, the conception of test cases, which can be a very tedious task, is usually completely manual.

Dominique Guilbaud, ATTOL Testware
Trimming the Test Suite: Using Coverage Analysis to Minimize Re-Testing[presentation]

Coverage Analysis System (CAS) data is often useful in determining that enough tests have been written, and identifying C-code lines that have no test coverage.

Jim Boone, SAS, Institute, inc.
STAREAST 2000: The Result of Testing Is Not Quality[presentation]

From this presentation's summary:

  • Re-Design Testing to Provide Information to Manage Risks
  • Use Risk Analysis to Determine What & When to Test (Knowledge)
Shel Seigel, Seigel Associates Corporation
Equilibrium in Managing Outsourced Testing[presentation]

Even organizations with internal QA departments often have to rely on outsourced testing resources for some jobs. The first time you do this, you may make a lot of mistakes as well as learn a great deal.

Jeff Jewell, Navigant International Inc.
Test Metrics Without Tears[presentation]

The profile of testing has been raised significantly in the last few years, largely due to Year 2000 issues.

David Vaughan, The SIM Group
Advanced Techniques in Test Automation[presentation]

From this presentation's summary:

  • Identify the ten percent needed ninety percent of the Time
  • Mold the Tools to Your Bias, Not the Other
    Way Around
Andrew Pollner, ALP International Corporatioin
Automated Testing of Object-Oriented Components Using Intelligent Test Artifacts[presentation]

Everyone agrees on the value of testing software components early and often to find defects before they become costly and to ensure that changes do not have unexpected side effects.

Michael Silverstein, SilverMark, Inc.
STAREAST 2000: How Testers Can Contribute to Reviews[presentation]

Brian Lawrence begins his presentation with a brief overview of what a review is and how it works in software organizations. Although testers may or may not understand source code, they can still contribute considerable value in reviews.

Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software
Design and Test of Large-Scale Systems[presentation]

Increasing complexity and functionality of digital systems--coupled with time-to-market constraints--pose quality challenges.

Ann Miller, University of Missouri-Rolla
Changing the Software Culture[presentation]

Many of software's current problems stem from the pervasive culture of software organizations. This "hacker" culture glorifies rapid coding, is schedule-driven, and objects to measurement and planning.

Watts Humphrey, The Software Engineering Institute
Managing Business Dynamics for Software Developers[presentation]

Managing a software development project is a complex mix of many forces--market expectations, the development process, product legacy, people skills, timelines, and budget.

Ram Chillarege, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Why is Linux so Reliable?[presentation]

In the last few years, we have become accustomed to living in a Windows-centric world, and yet software reliability in PC systems is still a long way from being anything desirable.

Les Hatton, Oakwood Computing, U.K.


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