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Memory Leaks and Their Prevention in a Java Application using Rational Purify[article]

This paper discusses the use of Rational Purify (an automated debugging and software testing tool that detects memory leaks) in our application which was developed with J2EE technology. The application was tested with Purify and the results obtained were analyzed to fix the memory leaks. A brief discussion about the process for analysis through Purify is also discussed.

Sanjay Gupta
What Testers Can Do About Technical Debt (Part 2)[article]

Signs of technical debt are everywhere in software development organizations, ranging from developers leaving because they're tired of only doing maintenance, to daily patches being released for poorly tested products. In Johanna Rothman's Part 1 column, she listed several indicators of technical debt. She continues the topic by showing how you can diagnose the magnitude of the debt, and some things you can do to decrease it.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Configuration Management Concepts[article]

This article is an excerpt from a user manual for a CM tool, AccuRev. It is the first chapter (36 pages) of the 333-page user manual, which is posted here because it contains an excellent, general explanation of configuration management.

John Posner's picture John Posner
issues management reporting Testing in a Squeezed, Squeezed World[article]

This document looks at the issues that can arise and suggests solutions when a testing
project becomes constrained by deadlines. While this is true of most testing projects, there
are some with farther reaching consequences than others, especially if the deadline is
immovable. I hope to impart a few key points along with a few tips and techniques on what to do when
you find yourself in this situation. This list is not exhaustive and the ideas presented here
may need to be adapted to your own specific project. However, when the chips are down and
you need to bring in some semblance of software that is tested, these ideas may be a good
starting point. This paper is intended for testing managers, but the points and tips contained within it will be
of use to anyone involved in planning for a deadline-fixed project.

Geoff Horne
Managing Quality during the Endgame[article]

This article covers the dynamics that managers have to respond to in the period between code complete and ship in a professional software development environment. Through pragmatic principles and hands-on examples from real-world projects, it demonstrates how to plan the endgame, how to target the established quality bar, how to measure progress, how to use steering forces to drive progress, and how to deal with team morale issues during long stabilization efforts.

Bruce Schoor
What Testers Can Do About Technical Debt (Part 1)[article]

Is your company drowning in debt? No, we don't mean the fancy fleet of cars that aren't paid for, or the new artwork in the lobby bought on credit-we're talking about technical debt. In this column, Johanna Rothman has a few tips on how to recognize technical debt in your organization.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Rooting Out System Bottlenecks in Web Applications[presentation]

One of the toughest challenges in testing and quality assurance today is eliminating the performance "bottlenecks" in your Web system. This session highlights a number of common problems that affect most Web systems.

Chris Nolan, Empirix, Inc.
Automating Reusable Test Designs[presentation]

Vendors and gurus agree that having a structured testing methodology is key to gaining maximum advantage from automated testing, but what this means in practice isn't always clear.

Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.
Tuning Application Performance in Production[presentation]

Even applications that have gone through rigorous testing in QA tend to have serious performance problems in production. Nearly every CIO or production manager has horror stories of applications that went live and failed.

David Gehringer, Mercury Interactive
Reliability Management With Continuous Automated Testing[presentation]

If you're in business today, then you're relying heavily on enterprise and eBusiness applications for your success. But given our dependence, these applications are being upgraded and customized constantly.

Rohit Gupta, Segue Software
Test, Observe, and Assess Embedded Applications During Development[presentation]

Facing the paradox of developing better applications faster, developers of real-time, embedded, and networked applications have no choice but to use automated testing and runtime observation technologies.

Vincent Encontre, Rational Software Corporation
Software Test Automation 2002: A Case Study In Automating Web Performance Testing[presentation]

Key points from this presentation: define meaningful performance requirements; we're always searching for the maximum number of users, design bottlenecks, and performance tuning points; changing your site (hardware or software) invalidates al

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Test Tool Implementation Risks and Rewards[presentation]

Did you know that an alarmingly high percentage of the test tools purchased are never successfully implemented?

Rick Craig, Software Quality Engineering
Achieving Software Quality Through Test Automation Process Integration[presentation]

With increasing demands for high-quality software applications in shorter development cycles, it's clear that teams need to go beyond simply running tests at the end of their development cycle.

Brian Bryson, Rational Software Corporation
The Business Case for Test Automation[presentation]

In tight economic times, it's more important than ever to show a return on technology investments, including test automation.

Linda Hayes, WorkSoft, Inc.


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