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Management of Outsourcing--How to Avoid Common Mistakes[presentation]

One of the most challenging areas of software management is encountered in the first year after an outsourcing contract is signed.

Carol Dekkers, Quality Plus Technologies, Inc.
Internet Product Delivery: Creating Quality at the Speed of the Web[presentation]

Based on an operations perspective, Richard Martin shares his experiences with an e-commerce company in the areas of project planning, quality assurance, release management, and project delivery.

Richard Martin, Calico Commerce
Improve Your Estimating Process--Beginning with a Proof of Concept[presentation]

Estimating is like the weather; everyone talks about it, but no one does anything about it.

David Herron, The David Consulting Group, Inc.
Software Measurement Programs: What Does It Take to Succeed?[presentation]

A great deal is known about technical issues of data gathering and applied statistics as it relates to software measurement and analysis. However, less is known about what it takes to implement a successful software measurement program.

Dennis Goldenson, The Software Engineering Institute
Measuring the Complexity and Impact of Design Changes[presentation]

Mike Libassi discusses how to use the Weighted Stability Index (WSI) Metrics Model, an adaptation of a U.S. Army method, to measure system design changes and the impact to software releases.

Mike Libassi, Intel Corporation
The Devil's in the Details: IT Benchmarking--Aligning Outsourcing Expectations and Managing Risks[presentation]

Gathering IT intelligence data is critical to deciding what and when to outsource, and how to structure service levels to create a winning deal for both sides.

Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
The Problem of Project Management[presentation]

As a project manager, your daily work is an unending stream of challenges. The burden of project success often lies at your feet.

Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software
Software Estimating with Functional Metrics[presentation]

One of the greatest challenges faced by software professionals is the accurate estimation of effort, schedule, and cost for software projects.

Scott Goldfarb, Q/P Management Group, Inc.
Practical Software Measurement, Performance Based Earned Value[presentation]

Earned Value can be a software project manager's most effective tool for integrating cost, technical, and schedule management.

Paul Solomon, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Performance Evaluation and Measurement of Enterprise Applications[presentation]

Today's large-scale enterprise applications are all Web-enabled and complex in nature. Many users experience performance problems from day one.

Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Sun Microsystems
Guerilla SQA: Conquering the Land a Bit at a Time[presentation]

In a large part of the software industry, Software Quality Assurance (SQA) has become equated with activities performed primarily by testers.

Scott Duncan, SoftQual Consulting
Software Cost Management with COCOMO II[presentation]

COCOMO II updates the 1981 Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) to address the new ways that software is being developed and managed, including non-sequential process models, applications composition, product line management, distributed developm

Barry Boehm, University of Southern California
Practices of High Maturity Organizations[presentation]

Over the past several years, the Software Engineering Institute has participated in several workshops and site visits with maturity level 4 and 5 software organizations.

Mark Paulk, The Software Engineering Institute
Leveraging Software Resources[presentation]

The Critical Chain approach to project management is being applied on more and more software development projects to achieve significant benefits in quality of life, lead time, and productivity.

Rob Newbold, ProChain Solutions, Inc.
Process Improvement Under the 16-Point Plan[presentation]

In this presentation, Michael Evans provides proven case studies and actual experiences in implementation of a software process improvement program.

Michael Evans, Integrated Computer Engineering, Inc.


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