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Alison Wade discusses the Women Who Test summit at STARWEST 2015 Women Who Test: STARWEST 2015 Interview with Alison Wade[interview]

In this interview, TechWell speaks to the founder of Women Who Test, Alison Wade. She is also the program chair for the Mobile Dev + Test Conference. Alison speaks about her new summit that celebrates female testers.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
internet of things Product Development in the Era of the Internet of Things[article]

The Internet of Things is increasingly changing what we mean by a "product," as the emphasis is moved from hardware to its attached software and service components. This puts product developers in a new situation: They have to face the challenges of managing these additional, interrelated, and overlapping development lifecycles.

Kristof Horvath's picture Kristof Horvath
Balancing Waterfall Predictability with Agile Flexibility[magazine]

In this FAQ column, Arlen Bankston highlights the difficulty many companies have making the full transition to agile, straddling between waterwall ways and the new horizons of agility.  Arlen provides techniques that can enable companies to ease into the transition, allowing their organization to make the adjustments without the burden of large plans and commitments.

Arlen Bankston's picture Arlen Bankston
Andreas Grabner discusses DevOps DevOps: Find Solutions, Not More Defects: STARWEST 2015 Interview with Andreas Grabner[interview]

In this interview, TechWell speaks with Andreas Grabner, a performance engineer who has been working in this field for the past fifteen years. At STARWEST 2015, he presented DevOps: Find Solutions, Not More Defects.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Rocky road My Journey to Adopting DevOps[article]

There’s good reason DevOps is an emerging trend in the IT industry—it alleviates prevalent problems, such as operational waste, and emphasizes collaboration, communication, and visibility. Uday Kumar details how he became a believer in DevOps by recalling the rocky road he took on his way to adoption.

Uday Kumar's picture Uday Kumar
The Evolution of Testing Centers of Excellence[magazine]

According to Rajini Padmanaban, a testing center of excellence (TCoE) must be instituted for the establishment of any enterprise software development organization. Rajini presents the latest TCoE trends used by successful IT organizations.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
Adam Auerbach discusses continuous testing Putting Quality First through Continuous Testing: STARWEST 2015 Interview with Adam Auerbach[interview]

In this interview, TechWell speaks with Adam Auerbach, a technology director for advanced testing and release services at Capital One Financial Corporation. At STARWEST 2015, he presented "Putting Quality First through Continuous Testing."

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Examining code The Risks of Measuring Technical Debt[article]

If your organization measures technical debt, have you really considered why you're doing this, and what you will do with that information once it has been gathered? Just because you can measure technical debt doesn't mean you should. Before you start (or continue) measuring technical debt, it's important to recognize that there are consequences.

Wayne Ariola's picture Wayne Ariola Cynthia Dunlop
How Touch Time Impacts Delivery[magazine]

What does a developer do after a task is completed and testing takes over? Wait for testing results? Matt Heusser presents innovative techniques to keep everyone's pace going even after handoffs.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Become a Great ScrumMaster[magazine]

Performing all the functions required to facilitate project teams as ScrumMaster can be a task. Zuzi Sochova describes creative ways to become a master of Scrum by adopting a ScrumMaster state of mind.

Zuzi Sochova's picture Zuzi Sochova
Leadership influence Personality and the Influence of Positional Power[article]

The power that comes from our positions and roles matters most in terms of our own influence and ability to achieve desired results. You may have limited ability to change your position within a structure, but you have limitless potential to understand and make the most of positional power.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Planning to Performance Test Your App? Think Again![magazine]

To complement functional validation, software teams are expected to validate performance. But, according to Jun Zhuang, you must be prepared to invest time, personnel, and resources to benefit from performance testing.

Jun Zhuang's picture Jun Zhuang
Standards checkmark Who Needs Standards, Anyway?[article]

Many CM experts are familiar with the guidance found in the IEEE, ISO, and ANSI/EIA industry standards. But if you want to really accelerate your agile development, it is wise to learn what is involved with implementing such industry standards. Bob Aiello explains the different types of standards and how organizations go about creating them.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Jeff Payne The Fundamentals of Agile: An Interview with Jeff Payne[interview]

In this interview, Coveros CEO and agile instructor Jeff Payne discusses why you should make the move to agile, its many benefits, and how to transition. He also explains his SQE Training course, Fundamentals of Agile Certification.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Applying Test-Driven Development to Agile[magazine]

Test-driven development (TDD) is fundamental to agile, but to most of us caught up in projects, there's never enough time to commit to it. Erick Fleming shows how to use TDD to improve product quality and time to delivery.

Erick Fleming's picture Erick Fleming


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