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Database Changes Create Your Own Assembly Line-Style Migrations for Database Changes

In an increasingly data-driven world with ever-changing systems, having an automated process for database migrations is a valuable practice. Instead of people having to keep track of each file, table, procedure, or object being modified, a tool can make database deployments more automatic and less excruciating, saving time and reducing errors.

Karthikraj Sriram's picture Karthikraj Sriram
IT Operations Analytics Streamlining the Management of Hybrid Clouds with IT Operations Analytics

A hybrid cloud incorporates—not just bridges between—public and private clouds, enabling businesses and their IT organizations unprecedented flexibility. But a transition to a hybrid cloud brings its own set of challenges. Sasha Gilenson addresses some of these difficulties and offers some IT operations analytics solutions.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Technical Practices Accelerating the Adoption of Technical Practices

Agile teams are supposed to take responsibility for how they work and how they learn. But what if you need to jump-start that learning? Agile transformation is about making this happen rather than waiting for it to happen. You need to get your team to learn the technical side of agile, and soon. Here are some effective approaches.

Scott Barnes's picture Scott Barnes Clifford Berg
Build Management to DevOps From Build Management to DevOps: Lessons Learned

When a team works across multiple build systems with a variety of tools, conditions, and approaches, a unified vision can help people move forward and be successful. This article shares lessons learned when migrating from build management to DevOps in an enterprise environment.

Eitan Schichmanter's picture Eitan Schichmanter
Resistance to DevOps Overcoming Resistance to DevOps

DevOps has it detractors, and they can send an enterprise back to the days when development and operations acted more like a volleyball game than a high-performance technology organization. This article will help you understand resistance to change involving DevOps and what you need to do in order to move that mountain.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Database Drift Pushing Back against Database Drift

You might know the phenomenon of database drift as version creep—or simply that sinking feeling when the production system isn’t in the state you expect it to be. If you’re having drift problems, the odds are that there’s a technical, process, or change management issue somewhere farther up the chain.

Roger Hart's picture Roger Hart
Integrated ALM Solutions Implementing Integrated ALM Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide

Even with the increasing availability of highly effective integrated ALM solutions, lots of companies are still using a fragmented software ecosystem they have adopted over the years. This article explores the benefits of and the costs associated with migrating to an integrated system in order to maximize efficiency.

Kristof Horvath's picture Kristof Horvath
Introspection in Testing Introspection and the Postmortem

How you handle a postmortem depends on your leadership approach, the culture of your organization, and, of course, your own personal strengths. This article will consider how positive psychology can help you conduct more effective postmortems that lead to process improvements and more effective organizations.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Manage Good Solutions Visualize Your Problems to Manage Good Solutions

Visualizing your workflow is a key component of agile methods. But if we want to solve problems, we have to do a bit more than just visualize them with sticky notes. We have to perform some actual problem management. And to manage problems, a good start would be to measure them.

Jurgen Appelo's picture Jurgen Appelo
Continuous Testing Risks Manage the Business Risks of Application Development with Continuous Testing

Continuous testing provides a real-time, objective assessment of the business risks associated with an application under development. Ultimately, continuous testing can provide a quantitative assessment of risk and produce actionable tasks that will help mitigate these risks before progressing to the next stage of the software development lifecycle.

Wayne Ariola's picture Wayne Ariola


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