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Deployment Automation Consider Deployment Automation to Add Business Value Faster

“Business value sooner” is a simple phrase, but it has been pondered by the best IT project managers. Deployment automation provides business value sooner, which makes for a better return on investment. It not only gets features to market sooner but also gets defects resolved faster.

James Sullivan
Software Data Analytics How to Incorporate Data Analytics into Your Software Process

Big data isn’t just a buzzword; it lives in your software. With millions of possibilities to leverage analytics, how do you pick what’s right for your organization? Robert Cross provides some insight into how to start incorporating data analytics into your software process and management plan.

Rob Cross's picture Rob Cross
Fixing the Brittleness Problem with GUI Tests

One common complaint about test automation is that it’s too brittle. Small changes in the system can cause lots of rework during the automated checks. In this article, Clint Hoagland shows a way to fix “the brittleness problem” by using the right abstractions in your automation design.

Clint Hoagland's picture Clint Hoagland
Development DNA The Evolution of z/OS Development

Kristin Cowhey explains how z/OS development has evolved throughout the years and what that means for developers and tech personnel. With legacy developers leaving the workforce, there’s a dire need to replace the knowledge in order to maintain the mainframe systems and applications that are still in use today. 

Kristin Cowhey's picture Kristin Cowhey
Agile World Typewriter Writing in an Agile World

Sarah Johnson explains the role of writing in an agile world and how to educate your team members. Remember, agile takes into account that each situation is unique, and you need to determine what makes the most sense for your particular Scrum team.

Sarah Johnson's picture Sarah Johnson
Cyber Security Test Warriors Cyber Security Test Warriors: Where Might You Take Your Career?

Do you know the latest in test attacks and testing techniques to become a cyber security test warrior? Becoming one is probably not for everyone, but the need is real, continues to grow, and offers a career opportunity for those brave enough to take the challenge.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Managing Component Dependencies Managing Component Dependencies

Bob Aiello explains that software engineers and architects do an amazing job designing a system’s architecture that fully represents all of the parts of the system that are created during the development lifecycle. However, one of the biggest challenges is understanding how each part of the system depends upon the others.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
QA Management: All Bark and No Bite? QA Management: All Bark and No Bite?

Mike Talks shares with us the unlikely story of how his pet German Shepherd inadvertently became his team's QA manager. Talks explains how his German Shepherd was able to gather people together and have them talk to each other, similiar to what a QA manager does—keeping people on task, handing out assignments, and following up with team members.

Mike Talks's picture Mike Talks
Managing Servers: With Agents and Without Managing Servers: With Agents and Without

Andrew Phillips details the challenges and advantages of two specific approaches to automating server management: agentless and agent-based automation. Agent-based automation refers to when a small piece of software—called an agent, service, or daemon—is installed on each target server, whereas agentless management automation software interacts with the remote-control functionality built into each host-operating system to perform the administrative tasks.

Andrew Phillips's picture Andrew Phillips
How to Maintain a Compatible User Experience How to Maintain a Compatible User Experience

Tara Nicholson explains why it's important to take into account compatibility, which refers to the ability of a software system to function across a variety of client software (browsers), operating systems, and hardware combinations. In this article, Tara shares some helpful strategies for you to consider when maintaining a compatible user experience.

Tara Nicholson's picture Tara Nicholson


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