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Thoughts on Infrastructructure, Technical Debt, and Automated Test Framework

I’ve had several conversations in email and with clients recently that have all been about this question: “What do we do about our infrastructure?” Either the project or the program has to create/update/upgraded their architecture or automated test infrastructure, pay down technical debt, or somehow do something that’s not part of a story.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Transformative Development: How to Begin Application Development in the Cloud

There is a lot of buzz in the IT industry around cloud computing and its impact on driving greater efficiency across an IT organization, but when considering adoption of cloud computing infrastructure, where should an organization begin? The application development lifecycle can be a good starting point.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Wherever You Go: Testing Mobile Applications, Part 1

In this interview with mobile testing expert Jonathan Kohl, he discusses some of the finer points of exploring the software that we carry with us everywhere.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
Podcast about Transparency Posted

Tom Cagley interviewed me a few weeks ago on his Software Process and Measurement Cast. It’s posted now, as # 180.

When Tom interviews me, he makes me think. This is good. I would love to hear your comments about this one. We started with transparency and wove our way around to several topics. I even ranted about the craziness of individual raises and how that disturbs the system of working in teams.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Testing in the Agile World with Vu Lam

In this Sticky ToolLook interview, QASymphony CEO Vu Lam discusses testing in the agile world, from documentation to communication and improving the feedback loop.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Leanpub Podcast Up

A few weeks ago, Peter Armstrong interviewed me for Leanpub, to ask me why I enjoyed writing on Leanpub. That podcast is up now on the Leanpub Buzz page.

What’s very funny is that the interview is a few weeks old. I had no idea he was going to post it right after I wrote Dear Author. About 11 minutes in, I talk about the boring trap, the passive voice trap in my own writing. I think this is pretty funny.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Blending Test Automation Approaches Blending Test Automation Approaches

One hundred percent test automation and 100 percent exploratory testing are absolutes. They make for great arguments, but, for those of us stuck in the great middle ground, those positions aren't very helpful. Matthew Heusser describes a blended approach to software testing, explains how some of his clients have used it over the long term, and provides tips for evaluating and adapting your approach.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Celebrating Making the Most of Both Kanban and Lean Startup: Making the Most of Both

Alexei Zheglov reflects on his startup experience and David Anderson’s kanban method in light of Eric Ries’ lean startup movement. Making the most of both approaches requires understanding how they relate to each other.

Alexei Zheglov
Selecting the Right Software Version Control Product

Michael Feighner draws up a checklist of version-control-tool criteria to aid an organization in selecting the best tool. His goal here is to suggest a partial framework for deciding which tool best fits your needs while at the same time adhering to configuration management best practices.

Michael Feighner
Book Review: Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life

As a consultant, I want the flexibility to adapt my work to take advantage of opportunities that might arise in a given week–to write an article or blog post, or to propose a project to a new client.  And, while I try to plan a week’s worth work, I need the flexibility to adapt my work on the fly. I work in small chunks, finishing work. I like seeing completed work. I have a great sense of accomplishment when I see completed work.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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