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Lessons Learned in Configuration Management Consulting

CM is about process, but is also about the people who do the day-to-day work. This article by Leslie Sachs shows the lessons she learned from the demanding world of configuration management consulting.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
The Pursuit of True Agility

Adrian Cho looks at agile practices, invention, and change through the allegory of musical experiences.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
SCM Tool as Collaboration Tool

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to give a virtual talk at a product launch for an SCM Tool vendor. The theme of the talk was basic branching strategies, and preparing for the talk led me to reflect on what Brad and I wrote in the SCM Patterns Book. This post is based on those thoughts.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
origami birds Behavior Unbecoming of a Leader

One of the most important roles of a leader is to serve as a role model for others in the organization. In this article, Naomi Karten describes a situation in which a CIO forgot this responsibility, almost taking action that would have undermined his efforts to reverse the IT organization’s plunging morale.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Not an Estimating Problem

In this lightning talk from STAREAST 2011, Dale Emery takes a look at some common issues we encounter when estimating and explains why they aren't actually estimating problems.

Dale Emery's picture Dale Emery

Words and definitions help with communication. And it's hard to come up with an unambiguous word. But try hard to use words as they are defined in your context. That will help you to communicate, set expectations, and maybe even be more agile.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Tester, Know Your Product

Should you diligently produce multiple big documents before testing begins? Consultant Fiona Charles argues that you should do that only if you believe that documentation is your product as a tester. If your product is information, you should instead minimize test documentation and engage with the software to build the product your stakeholders are paying for.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Cloud-Driven Development: Four Things You Need to Know

With immediate availability, scalability, and dramatic cost savings, cloud computing is revolutionizing the way business works. While the economic justifications for this new technology cover a broad range of IT initiatives, developing software is perfect for the elasticity offered by the cloud.

Anders  Wallgren's picture Anders Wallgren
Overcoming the Fractured Development Cloud

The IT industry is abuzz with conversations regarding continuous delivery, DevOps, and cloud development—and with good reason. Advances in agile software development methods, the integration of these practices into both on-premise and public clouds, and the emergence of end-to-end cloud platforms have been shown to cut development cycles by as much as half, greatly improve quality, and reduce costs. Even though this is an unbelievably exciting time, we need to work together on the issue of the “fractured cloud.”

Bill Portelli
Analytics-Powered IT Operations for Taking on the Cloud

The ability to change and evolve in the world of IT operations is mandatory for survival. Cloud storage and other related processes are one of the areas that offer new opportunities for growth, if companies know how to use them to their advantage.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson


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