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Agile ALM for Delivering Customer Value: Back-end Disciplines

In this second part of a two-part series, Mario Moreira explores the back-end disciplines of a lifecycle that establishes an ALM framework centering on customer value. If your organization has adopted agile and you are looking at building your ALM framework, consider an infrastructure and tooling that will help you establish and build customer value throughout the lifecycle.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Four CM Predictions for 2012

Leslie Sachs predicts 2012 as the year when companies will rediscover the importance of holding onto and developing their human resources like never before. Additionally, the year will challenge CM experts as they try to manage effectively when cloud providers often control significant resources.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Five Things Your Development Teams Should be Doing Now

In this ever-changing world of software development, it's important to keep up with technologies, methodologies, and trends. This video covers five practices that your team can utilize to accelerate software delivery.

TechWell Staff
Empowering Agile Teams

Teams, when truly empowered, will always make better decisions than any one individual. Where can you empower teams as you adopt agile?

Jean Tabaka's picture Jean Tabaka
Taking DevOps Mainstream

In this article, Shawn Edmondson describes how the rise of DevOps can be measured right alongside the rise of cloud in its level of mainstream acceptance. Learn how DevOps takes a common sense approach to development while using agile methodologies and automation at the same time.

Shawn Edmondson
Agile Leadership for Mid-Managers

Len Whitmore explores how the growth of agile changes the roles, responsibilities, and titles of mid-managers more so than any other management group, because agile practices require more leadership and less of what is considered traditional management techniques.

Len Whitmore
12 Essential Skills for Software Architects book cover Dave Hendricksen's 12 Essential Skills for Software Architects

In this TechWell interview, Dave Hendricksen, author of 12 Essential Skills for Software Architects, discusses his new book that covers the soft skills that technical people should learn.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
15 TechWell Favorites from 2011

Two TechWell editors take take a look back at fifteen articles that were among the most read, the most shared, and the best conversation starters.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister Jonathan Vanian
Configuration Management and DevOps with Jez Humble and Bob Aiello

In this excerpt from an interview recorded at this year's Better Software and Agile Development Practices East conferences, authors Bob Aiello and Jez Humble discuss the challenges and the rewards of instituting configuration management and DevOps practices.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
adzic cover Specification by Example: Collaborating on a Scope without High-Level Control

Understanding what the business users are trying to achieve can significantly help you focus the project on things that really matter. In this excerpt from Gojko Adzic's book Specification by Example, the author offers some tips for effectively collaborating on the project scope when you don’t have high-level control of the project.

Gojko Adzic's picture Gojko Adzic


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