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How to Manage the Hurly-Burly Hubbub of Change

Giving yourself, and your team, the necessary time to adapt to and move on from change is the healthiest way to make sure that everyone is back on the same page in a timely manner. Learn how to avoid prolonging the necessary time to "heal" by minimizing turbulence.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Don’t Discard Test-Driven Development in the Cloud

Developing software for the cloud can make test-driven development more complicated, but not impossible. Arin Sime offers advice for continuing good development practices in the face of challenges from cloud hosting and distributed computing.

Arin  Sime's picture Arin Sime
Load Test Your Website Before Your Customers Do

When you release a website or web application, it’s going to face a lot of very public load testing. If it performs poorly, there’s a good chance that you’re going to lose a lot of customers. Colin Mason offers some tips for load testing in order to ensure a better customer experience.

Colin  Mason's picture Colin Mason
Scoring and Evaluating Software Methods, Practices, and Results

Software engineering and software project management are complex activities. Both software development and software management have dozens of methodologies and scores of tools available that are beneficial. In addition, there are quite a few methods and practices that have been shown to be harmful, based on depositions and court documents in litigation for software project failures. In order to evaluate the effectiveness or harm of these numerous and disparate factors, we have developed a simple scoring method. The scoring method runs from +10 for maximum benefits to -10 for maximum harm.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Five Steps to Creating Effective Agile Contracts

While using an agile approach for projects that involve outside parties can be complex, especially during an audit; living documents and early involvement by all parties involved will help ensure a worry-free process. Learn how expert planning allows for the right path to emerge on its own.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Eight Ways to Release Failure—A Checklist

“We don’t release software. It escapes!” (Carl, my former boss and a VP of Development) 

My former boss, Carl, once tried enticing me to join his management team by emphasizing how badly the company could use my process discipline skills; it worked.  I felt bad for them, and I was intrigued by the challenge. But, I learned at least as much as they did during my tenure there.

Over the course of my career, I have seen many instances of people failing at release management. In this article, I highlight eight statements that I have heard over the years from people in our line of work. Even though these people abide by these statements, they would never dare to repeat them out loud. I hope you will find inspiration not to follow these sayings!

Alan S. Koch
How to Build a CM and ALM Strategy

Joe Farah writes that a next-generation CM and ALM strategy may seem aggressive, but it will help ensure that you're happy with the result. It will make sure that you deal with the entire problem domain from an organization perspective, rather than just the part your team is traditionally comfortable with.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Handling Personality Issues of a Team Establishing Process

IT professionals are often surprised to discover that it’s a bigger challenge to handle the people side of establishing process. This article gives you a head start on handling the implicit personality issues that are found in establishing process and more process.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Why SCM Patterns Is in Patterns Format

Too often people associate SCM with tools and techniques without considering what techniques work well for the team. SCM Patterns puts the solutions in context with your organization, process, and architecture and (hopefully) provides you with some guidance on the steps to build an environment where people can code together effectively.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
photo from pair programming sessions Pair Programming in the Clink

In this personal experience story, Daryl Kulak relates the day he spent behind bars. He was there to participate in a program that pairs prisoners with software developers “from the outside” to explore the art and science of agile software development. “It’s like a code retreat,” Kulak notes, “except it’s inside a prison.”

Daryl  Kulak's picture Daryl Kulak


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