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People, Processes and Tools: The Three Pillars of Software Development

Every project is dependent upon people, processes, and tools:  they are how the work gets done. These three essential elements are not equal, though, as each has its own strengths and weaknesses.   Each one provides a different value to our projects.


Alan S. Koch
Don't be a Fool, Choose the Right Tool

Tools can be a powerful productivity enhancer in any software development organization, but they can also be a swirling vortex of wasted time and money. Choosing the right tool can seem like a daunting task, but careful planning creates a win-win for you and the entire organization.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Five Ways that Team Members Build Trust with Each Other

Esther Derby explains how people within the team can build trust in each other through feedback.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Independent Testers? Or Independent Thinkers?

In this article, Lisa Crispin recalls a time when testers alone were solely responsible for software quality, and compares that to more modern thinking where collaboration between developers and testers is king. Software quality is everyone's job, sometimes it takes independence to get there.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Invest in Your Tools for More Productivity

There are a wealth of open source and commercial tools available to help us build software.  However, sometimes we get stuck using tools in ways that are not optimal for our project.  In these cases, investing some time to make the tools work for us can make substantial improvements in productivity.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Rocks into Gold: Part 1

This short book, written by Clarke Ching, is a "biztech" parable for software developers who want to survive—and then thrive—through the credit crunch. We have republished the book in a four-part series. In part one, we meet the main characters who have just found out that their jobs are on the line after discovering their major client's business is failing. Follow the story as our characters fight to keep their jobs by implementing creative business ideas and management skills taken from agile development.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
What is Best, Scrum or Kanban?

What is best, Kanban or Scrum? Because I can't make up my mind, I decided to write a single article in two parts—one where I wear the "I love Kanban" hat and one where I'm wearing an "I love Scrum" T-shirt.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
White Paper: What's the Value of Requirements Management in a Down Economy?

Conceptually, requirements management is about bringing products to market faster, improving team efficiency, and catching requirements defects earlier in the development process. It's these potential benefits that explain why 67 percent of teams said they will use or plan to use a collaborative requirements management solution in the next year, based on a recent "State of Requirements Management" survey.

John Simpson
White Paper: Scripting With ODBC Protocol: LoadRunner

This document helps the beginner create ODBC scripts to test the server and query response time. The research document provides details on ODBC, grids, and queries. Also in this paper, the authors propose an approach for scripting with ODBC protocol. It explains the need of ODBC protocol and the application that supports it, which includes information on how ODBC works. The Misys EMR application is used to explain the practical significance of LoadRunner ODBC script.

Shainesh Baheti
Love Your Job - Top 10 Reasons to Love Agile Testing

Few things are more rewarding than working in a job that you love.

Kay Johansen has collected a list of "Top Ten Reasons to Love Agile Testing", which she's shared with the agile-testing mailing list.  It's inspirational and motivating to hear people who are passionate about their work talk about why they love their jobs.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman


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