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The Business Case for Agility

Too many technology projects fail to deliver the promised value, and some do not deliver at all. Traditional project management methods when applied to software initiatives continue to frustrate financial professionals and offer poor risk mitigation. In the current economic environment, businesses are forced to reduce their capital budgets and cannot afford to make significant investments without more certainty of appropriate return.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Defect Tracking Best Practices

Whether an organization is developing a new system or maintaining an existing system, implementing best practices in the defect tracking and management processes will save time and effort. In this paper we discuss typical issues and lessons learned, and map these to preventive measures.

Continuous Integration and Testing

Lisa Crispin explains in this article how CI has become an absolute necessity for any software development team in this day and age. For those who have yet to fully embrace CI, this article gives you some great reasons you should, along with some helpful resources to get you started.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Career Development for Computing Nerds

Computing nerds bring value to any company for which they work. They bring knowledge and an understanding of systems and projects that can help managers avoid bad decisions. But the computing nerd in this stage still has room for growth. In this week's column, Payson Hall says there's a higher level of value computing nerds can achieve. And, in today's economic environment, this level is far more valuable than ever before.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Agile Development Infrastructure—on Premises or in the Cloud?

How do companies face the challenge of setting up their infrastructure when they've just started agile development? One option is to move your infrastructure to the cloud. In this article, we help you decide what's the best fit for your team and project by addressing this issue head on.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
The GDM-Agile Paradox: Tips to Tap into the Capabilities of Agile in the Global Delivery Model

Agile is a development strategy that we have worked with for a number of years now. Lately, we've been getting a lot of questions from clients along the lines of: "I've got a project, I want to globally source it, can I use Agile Development?"

Well, that depends.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Product versus Project - Where to Focus Your Efforts

Friends, by now we’ve all heard the predictions heralding the return of prudence in spending, optimization, needs-versus-wants and the underlying theme of rethinking everything imaginable. Thus, the focus of our effort seems to have an interwoven connection to the care and due diligence we employ as we chart our efforts and manage our expenditures.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Testers

Published in 1989, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey has helped millions establish great habits for achieving true interdependent effectiveness in their lives and their jobs. This article discusses the 7 habits, framing the habits for highly effective testers.

Steve Miller
Using Dashboards to Clarify Project and Product Perspectives in SCM

Joe Farah explains that a configuration management (CM) strategy must deal with product development from both a product and from a project perspective. Dashboard technology can help to clarify the perspectives and simplify the management functions, especially from an information perspective.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Business Criticality and the Investment of CM

Configuration management (CM) provides organizations with a level of control over the changes that occur in the engineering space.  It can help protect the valuable code assets of the revenue generating products within the organization.  CM provides the capability for products to manage the pieces therein that change at different rates, exposes the changes that are occurring, and establishes knowledge of the baseline of the product which then improves integrity and minimizes product regression.  In addition, CM not only assesses the impact of change, but assists in problem resolution.   While the value of CM is typically understood within engineering organizations, it is important to apply CM investment wisely. 

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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