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Beware the IDE: The Risks of Standardizing on One IDE

Two topics that are likely to launch a development team into an impassioned discussion are development standards and development environments (IDEs, editors, etc). Combining the two topics into that of standardizing on development environments, is even more likely to spark debate. Decisions about development tools affect the day to day workings of each person on the team as well as the productivity of the team, and as such are important to discuss as a team organizes itself.

White Paper: Graphical UI Testing Checklist

A GUI as we now know is a computer-interface that uses images, typed text, and icons on the screen that replace many of the functions of the keyboard. This paper explains different validations need to be used while testing GUI.

Atul Waghmare's picture Atul Waghmare
White Paper: Software Testing Metrics

Effective management of any process requires quantification, measurement, and modeling. Software metrics provide quantitative approach to the development and validation of the software process models. Metrics help organization to obtain the information it needs to continue to improve its productivity, reduce errors and improve acceptance of processes, products and services and achieve the desired goal.

Lokesh Gulechha's picture Lokesh Gulechha
Quality Management in the World of Scrum and Agile IT System Development

Russell Pannone was asked, "Does quality assurance have a place in agile software development?" His knee-jerk answer was yes, but what form and function quality management takes depends on many factors.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Enterprise Agile: Yes, Your Whole Company Can Adopt Agile

About 12 months ago, our company started an initiative to adopt agile practices across our entire organization—not only our software development organization, but our business organization. For years we had experienced outstanding results by utilizing Scrum for our clients' application development projects. Team productivity improved, executive visibility strengthened, and overall quality increased. Our goal was to capture similar results for our business. Find out how we're doing!

Melissa Meeker
White Paper: Code Coverage: Ensuring Quality

Code coverage is an important measurement in software quality engineering. While software testing ensures correctness of the applications, a metric is required to track the completeness and effectiveness of the testing undertaken. Code coverage helps achieve reliable quality through identifying untested areas of the application. It is still a challenge to identify the right code coverage tooling solution. The next challenge lies in formulating the strategy for deployment of the tool and the process. This paper discusses code coverage tooling solutions and deployment strategy for quick benefits.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Tips and Tricks From the Automatic Dependency Generation Masters

Make's dependency syntax is flawed because it incorporates both foo.o must be updated if header.h, system.h or foo.c are changed and foo.o is the result of compiling foo.c.  Thus, anything to the right of the : is a prerequisite, but the first prerequisite where there's a rule body (i.e. commands) is special: it's the prerequisite that will be passed to the compiler (or other command) to actually generate the target.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Culture, Methods, and Governance and Their Impact on CM

Most professionals in the software development industry recognize the need for Configuration Management (CM).  CM has been around long enough for people to have experienced problems when CM was either not in place or when the level of CM was insufficient for the needs of the work.  CM values of identification, control, audit, and report are meant to ensure integrity of the product under development.  These days, almost everyone has, at least, version control practices which include a version control tool and a simple checkout/checkin process.  However, as with any engineering discipline, the level of the CM implementation (since CM is much more than just version control) will depend greatly on the culture along with the methods and governance that exist within the company.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
The Lessons Learned – Worst Mistakes Ever Made

Of all the questions you could ask a person, asking them to recount the 'worst mistakes' they have ever made might be one of the touchiest. However, that uneasiness might be  all the more reason TO ask.

In his book, Success through Failure, Henry Petroski explores failure as being essential to learning and ultimately, success: thus debunking the model that only 'success breeds success.'

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Five Mistakes a Company Can Make When Using Configuration Management

Joe Farah details five mistakes a company can make when using configuration management (CM). Until we start to admit to our mistakes and strive to reach the next generation of CM, we'll stagnate.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah


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