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Lessons Learned about Starting a Development Group in India, Part 1

Several years ago, Peter Clark's company opened an offshore software development team when offshoring was booming. Everyone was doing it, and so would Peter's company, but the results were not so great. In the first installment of a three-part series, Peter explains what happened.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Addressing Challenges to Ensure Successful Tool Integrations

Tool integrations have been going on ever since the initial days of JCL (IBM's Job Control Language). JCL actually made things a lot simpler. But as tools have become more complex and diverse, tool integration presents many challenges. How do you integrate user interface and simplify the corresponding training? What about administration? How do you deal with varying scalability capabilities, and varying server requirements? What about multiple site operation? Successful tool integrations must effectively address these issues and must do so by starting from a process-centric view of the world.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Testing is Essential to Agile SCM

Rather than being an afterthought for SCM, an appropriate testing strategy is what enables an SCM in an agile environment. To be more agile, you need to avoid the silo-based perspective of development, SCM, and testing being three different disciplines. Instead, think about how the processes in one part of your development ecosystem affects what you can do in the others.

Communicating with Context

Danny Faught and Michael Bolton have observed that context-driven testers have a uniquely productive style of communication that they use amongst themselves. This context-driven culture might seem strange to outsiders or newcomers to the community. In this column, Danny and Michael highlight some of these specific traits that can help you communicate whether you consider yourself context-driven or not.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Checklists – You build me up just to knock me down

The code review checklist is the bane of developers.  Thirty-odd check-boxes await, each requiring thoughtful consideration before the liberating tick mark can be applied.  Twenty source files, freshly altered, are awaiting verification.  The math is simple: 20 x 30 = 600 decisions, no matter how you tackle the problem.  This is going to suck.

Jason Cohen
GMSL 1.09: A look inside the tweaks and updates

I've written in the past about the GNU Make Standard Library open source project. This article outlines the changes made between v1.0.2 and the current release (v1.0.9) and discusses some of the techniques used to implement the GMSL.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Study of Myers-Briggs Types Relative to CM Professionals (2007)

Mario Moreira conducted a study of CM professionals to find out what similarities and differences could be found between them. He then compared those results with what he learned from a similar study he conducted four years prior, to see what has changed, and what's stayed the same.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Commonsense CM Strategies to Meet Good Quality Requirements

Quality requirements are an elusive goal for any complex product development effort. A strong process and good tools can help advance requirements toward higher quality over time. The product development team plays an important role in establishing quality requirements. In a well-oiled customer/ developer relationship, frequent feedback will go both ways. Unknowns will be explored and change will occur. It's important that CM/ALM tools can clearly track requirements and their changes in a way that helps to capture increasingly improved requirement baselines.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Lean-Agile Traceability: Strategies and Solutions

For some lean/agile practitioners, the idea of maintaining traceability among different development artifacts is nonsense. There are times, though, when traceability is required and other times when it's highly valuable. We need to develop a value mindset of transparency in our processes and approach so that traceability requirements can be satisfied with minimal effort.

Discussion Toolkit

Saying the right thing at the right time can be difficult. Prepare yourself with a handful of phrases that will help you keep the conversation going in the right direction. In this week's column, Michele Sliger offers a few of her own phrases to help you build a discussion toolkit.

Michele Sliger's picture Michele Sliger


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