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Painless non-recursive Make

In this article, Mr. Make outlines a pattern for non-recursive Make systems that supports the familiar make-anywhere style common to recursive Make systems.  Typing make in a directory will build everything in that directory and below.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
How to Make Your CM Process Agile

To make your CM process agile, go through it and identify how you can reduce end-user complexity, tool misfits, and areas of greatest risk. An agile CM process is one that supports all team members, making them more productive and simplifying their management tasks.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
‘Oh Process!' - How does it matter?

Location: IT organization with clients all over the globe

Scenario: Project team busy in getting things ready for code delivery to client. They are infuriated when Quality Auditor comes for audit.

Background: Project facing schedule overrun

Actors: Developers, Testers and Team Leader

Though this is a common scenario faced in majority of software organizations across the globe, it cannot be written off by saying that, it is got to do with the people who resist process or process which doesn't aid delivery.

Balaji OS's picture Balaji OS
Scaling Agile Processes: Five Levels of Planning

Experience gathered during large-scale implementations of agile concepts in software development projects teaches us that agile methods, like Scrum, do not scale to program, product and organization levels without change. However, various planning frameworks have, in fact, been used successfully in large-scale agile projects, which can broadly be defined as projects that involve over 50 people and take months or years to complete.

Atomic Rules in GNU Make

This article looks at what to do if command updates more than one file, and how to express that so that GNU Make knows that more than one file was updated and behaves correctly.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Building a Meaningful Metric Mousetrap

Metrics provide data points that can both benefit and endanger and organization.   Metrics can be used positively to build a better organization and can be used negatively to punish organizations and people therein.  Many times, those that use the metrics negatively do it purposefully, but other times, they are not aware of the way they are using them.  This is why it is important to have a metrics culture that apply metrics in a positive manner, provides an understanding of the metric, and then actually utilize metrics to manage an organization. 


Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Finding the Right Mix of ALM Processes and Tools for Design and Implementation

Configuration management is complex. As a product evolves, CM gets even more complex, as complexity breeds problems. So how do we continually march our product configurations toward higher and higher quality? You need good people, process, tools, and automation. People define and put the processes in place. Tools are used to automate the processes and to bury the complexity of CM below the user level. Development is a process that takes ideas and turns them into products. There are many techniques and tools to do design and implementation. The right mix is required to effectively develop a competitive product. On the management side of things, the same is true. Application lifecycle management requires the right set of processes and tools to allow the design efforts to be properly leveraged and to yield the best quality.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Longacre Deployment Management for Enterprise Configuration Management

Longacre Deployment Management (LDM ) is an enterprise-level CM technique that provides robust, accurate CM functions in broadly diverse development environments. LDM solves many of the problems associated with database systems; and with organizations composed of teams using different technologies, in different places, or formed from different organizations. It is an existing technique-LDM has already been deployed in a complex development environment. This article is not a case study: it provides the technical details of the LDM technique. If you are not a CM specialist, your eyes are going to glaze over.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Managing Change: Churn and Complexity

This article takes a look at how change is more complex within SOA environments, especially when the architecture must deal with the modernization of legacy applications. Then, the author discusses the ways good release management practices help organizations deal with the constant change churn, complexity, and change volume.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Preventative Medicine Is Hard to Sell

Implementing a great idea takes common sense and good marketing. It also requires knowing who to motivate to implement change. In this article, Clarke Ching writes about a time when he figured out a simple solution to a complex problem that would save his employer millions, but no one seemed to care. Clarke discovered that it is far easier to sell aspirin if your customer already has a headache.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching


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