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Are You Still Building from the Tip Revisions?

How do you build? How do you select the source code files to include in a build? How do
you identify the revisions, or versions, of the files to include a build? Do you build from the tip revisions in your version control system or do you build by selecting a specific revision of every source code file? Do members of the development team specify the changes to include in each build or do you sweep in all changes implemented at the time of the build? When do you build from revisions in the mainline of the version control system? When do you build from revisions in a branch?

Michael Sayko
Knowledge Empowerment for the Virtual Development Team

Let's face it, nowadays going from version 7.0 to version 8.0 means working with a dispersed team of developers who aren't necessarily located in the same corner of the building - if the same corner of the world.

Software development and configuration management are often conducted by professionals in locations distributed about a larger virtual environment.  In fact, the Gartner Group estimates that by 2008, 41 million corporate employees worldwide will work virtually at least one day per week. 

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Rails Edge 2007 - Mike Clark - Pragmatic Studio and RailsEdge

Mike Clark discusses his involvement with RailsEdge and other conferences that he's thrilled to be involved with. As a rails developer, Mike offers a great deal of insight in the language's capabilities in software development in this informative podcast.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
The Basics: Getting environment variables into GNU Make

The most basic rule of GNU Make and the environment is that any variable set in the environment when GNU Make is started will be available as a GNU Make macro inside the Makefile.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Module Baselines within a Service Component Architecture

This is an ongoing of series of articles about configuration management using baselines in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) environment. Baselines for the Service Component Architecture (SCA) is one of most difficult areas to understand because SCA uses multi-layer baselines, and also there is also a difficulty of long-lived and short-lived processes.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Financial Aspects of Configuration Management

Many people think that to large companies Configuration Management is seen solely as a technical role and as a cost burden to the company. The following article explains however some of the financial aspects of the role. These are examples that have occurred during my role as Configuration Manager in several companies. In these roles I have been much
more than just a technician.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Agile SCM January 2007 - Looking Back to Move Forward

The previous two January Agile SCM columns made some short-term (and a few longer-term) predictions about the impact of current trends on the practice of Agile development as it pertains to SCM. This January we revisit those predictions to see where we were right, where we were wrong, and recalibrate our ideas of what's in store for Agile SCM in 2007-2008.

Osmosis: Get Outside Your Configuration Management Bubble

We are on the brink of a massive shift in CM, both philosophically and technologically. Our abilities and our means must undergo a change in how we operate and how we are perceived. The changes are incredibly exciting and offer enormous opportunity for the discipline. We're being backed against the wall in many organizations but we can be climbing on top of the wall like Berliner's at Check Point Charlie when the wall fell, moving our CM nation to a much better place.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
A Sensible Approach to Access Control in Configuration Management

Access control in software development is part of the gate keeping function. Who should and should not have access to the project information and repository? In this article, Rich Bianchi discusses four factors to consider when setting up the access rights and access control rules for a project.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Challenges of the Part-Time Programmer

Do you spend part of your time writing programs or trying to learn how to program? As you read about the advanced techniques that experienced programmers are using, you may feel as anxious as a do-it-yourselfer making abortive attempts at installing a new plumbing fixture for the first time. In this column, Danny Faught describes how even seasoned programmers can be anxious about their skills, and he encourages you to forge ahead.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught


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