configuration management


Overcoming the Fractured Development Cloud

The IT industry is abuzz with conversations regarding continuous delivery, DevOps, and cloud development—and with good reason. Advances in agile software development methods, the integration of these practices into both on-premise and public clouds, and the emergence of end-to-end cloud platforms have been shown to cut development cycles by as much as half, greatly improve quality, and reduce costs. Even though this is an unbelievably exciting time, we need to work together on the issue of the “fractured cloud.”

Bill Portelli
Analytics-Powered IT Operations for Taking on the Cloud

The ability to change and evolve in the world of IT operations is mandatory for survival. Cloud storage and other related processes are one of the areas that offer new opportunities for growth, if companies know how to use them to their advantage.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Refine Your People Skills for Working in a Cloud-Based Development Environment

Interfacing with all of the stakeholders in a cloud-based development environment presents unique challenges. Your people skills may very well determine whether or not you get what you need. Read on if you would like to be more effective in developing in the cloud.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Can CA-SCM users connect on their agents in order to execute the checkin/checkout using Harweb on the Internet ?

The developers works on the customers' systems (out of the office). We have installed Harweb on the server connected on the internet network (with the public ip) which work fine.

We have problem with agent connection.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Checkouts exist but can't be found in ClearCase. Why?

I have a user who is attempting to "rnmame" an element, but keeps getting an error that the element in question has checkouts, but the element is not checked out in that UCM project.

I have seen instances of this before where a user removed the object while it was checked out in a previous directory version, and to fix you just go back to that directory version and undo the checkout. In this instance, there was no checkouts in the previous directory version. The user had deleted the checked out versions (checked out but removed), and I had them undo the checkouts using the CLI unco command. This made the checkouts go away, but it still won't let the user remove them using rmname.

I also had the user delete their view and recreate it, thinking this would undo all checkouts by default, but even that did not work.

Anyone have any other suggestions?

Why am I getting this error istalling PEC (CA SCM): 'ERROR: Pec installation failed with error code: -1073741819'

When i try to install CA SCM i get this error:

'ERROR: Pec installation failed with error code: -1073741819'

Can someone help me.

Andrea Baroni

Can someone let me know what the most current CM standards are that have not been superseded.


LaShawn Dorsey's picture LaShawn Dorsey
How do I perform a Software Configuration Management Assessment?

I am interested in starting a discussion on how to perform "SCM/CM Assessments".

I would like to develop a plan and set of activities that can help review and assess any existing processes and providing improvement suggestions to the cause. I am not aware of any documents that can give me this insight, and I am looking for a deep set of information to support this cause.

Why does Harvest HSQL query list no versions on certain projects?

I have a query that works as I expect only on some projects. (This is with Harvest r7.1 using an Oracle 10g database.):

Tom Bing
Why can't CA SCM 12.1 open broker connection?

I'm running windows 7 and i install CA SCM version 12.1 but every time i click on New Broker connection nothing happens. The window never pops up to enter the server information. I've tried using the menu ->connection -> New broker connection but same things happens. I've now reinstalled 4 times any ideas????



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