configuration management


Need help with Synergy sub-project issue

I have an integration prep project setup with 4 sub-projects. One of the projects is now being displayed as the red exclamation mark.

I can see and update the sub project seperately, but it doesnt seem to be included in the overall project heirarchy, even though the BM project Grouping shows it as still being part of the same group it was before.

Any ideas on how I can get everything back to how it should be?

Jonathan Haigh's picture Jonathan Haigh
Can we change Synergy port values to open behind firewall

I have a machine behind a firewall I wish to connect to our Synergy server (6.4).

Which ports do I need to have punched open to allow this ?

I so far have :-

flexlm standard port
5412 - router
8830 - esd
objreg - ?? this has a different value on 2 different servers when checking with ccm monitor

Is there also any way of changing these port values or are they hardcoded?


Selecting the Right Software Version Control Product

Michael Feighner draws up a checklist of version-control-tool criteria to aid an organization in selecting the best tool. His goal here is to suggest a partial framework for deciding which tool best fits your needs while at the same time adhering to configuration management best practices.

Michael Feighner
How can I query for analysis_responsible real first and last name in Synergy?

I'm using IBM Rational Synergy in WAN mode.

I was trying to make a script that would do a Change Request/Problem Report digest for who is responsible for analysis, who the resolver is, etc.

The problem is that these fields contain not-meaningful-userids, so they are not so meaningful.

Is there a way to get a real name of the user via ccm query without admin access?

I can see in the Change that the names are displayed "like not-meaningful-userid, Firstname Lastname" but the analysis_responsible show only not-meaningful-userid.

So my question is there a way to do it via ccm?

Thanks in advance :)

Pawel Kopalko
How I stopped Serena PVCS Tracker from hanging

PVCS Tracker used to do the same to me. I tried the below steps and it worked like a charm.

What I did is below:

Turning off Refresh (this will improve PVCS Tracker response time ):
Open the following file:C:\WINDOWS\PVCSTRK.INI
Add the following two lines:
Save the file..

Derick Williams
Does anyone have a structured Parallel Development process with Harvest?

I would need some reference document with which Parallel Development process can be acheived.

Software Configuration Management for Cloud, Mobile, and Database Development

Supporting cloud, mobile, and database development sounds like a remarkably technical endeavor. In practice, personality issues between team members can impact just how effectively you handle these complex technical efforts.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Where do Builds fit into the CM process?

IEEE 610.12-1990 – “CM is a discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to:

(a) Identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of configuration items (CIs)
(b) Audit the configuration items to verify conformance to specifications, interface control documents, and other contract requirements
(c) Control Changes to configuration items and their related documentation
(d) Record and report information needed to manage configuration items effectively, including the status of proposed changes and the implementation status of approved changes"

Thus we extrapolate that CM consisted of four functions:
> Configuration Identification
> Configuration Control
> Configuration Status Accounting
> Configuration Auditing

Is there a way to clone Dimensions CM database to make an upgrade to 2009R2?

I work in a shop where cloning of databases, etc. is new.

The operations Mgr. wants to make a clone of the Dimensions CM database and application and have me test an upgrade (from 2009R1 to 2009R2) using these clones. I've been told that this upgrade is necessary so that Dimensions will be compatible with the Oracle 11g migration that is about to take place.

Has anyone had any experience with this? If so, what did it take to make it successful?

(I received info from Serena Support suggesting that we could use the clone of Dimensions but would need to export the base database and create a new base database on a clean Oracle instance but, that was shot down by my OPS area.)

In Synergy, how does one query for the "last accessed time" for a database?

I noticed that <dbpath>/db does get a new timestamp, but since we run backups everyday, the timestamp of <dbpath>/db does not help in this case.

Is there any other means of querying for this info?

Actually, the usage is to determine if a database should still be kept live or should be archived and dropped.


Terence Tan's picture Terence Tan


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