How to perform a security health check and assessment for CA Endeavor and for CA Harvest? I am a IT Compliance Auditor. Can anyone direct me as to where I might find an audit program for both of these CA products?
I need to perform a security health check and assessment for Endeavor and for Harvest.
Dynamics of a Small Team When Implementing CM and ALM Small teams can have big dynamics that threaten the team’s success in terms of productivity and effectiveness. This article will examine some of the essential people issues that arise when implementing software configuration management (SCM) and application lifecycle management (ALM) with small teams.
In Synergy, is it possible via CLI to check if a filename in a workarea has any parallel versions? I have a tool that checks out files and I want to check if there are any parallel versions before doing the actual check out in a workarea (e.g. d:\ccm_wa\test-1\test\dummy.txt) .
The idea I had was to run a query and check for is_hist_leaf().
But before that I need to get a unique "objectname" from the filename to feed to ccm query. I can get attributes from "ccm attr -s filename", but how can I get the unique objectname attribute from a filename?
Best regards
Raising The Bar For Configuration Management Configuration management (CM) has matured into a "must-have" discipline. But, many CM experts have failed to keep up with what's required to implement CM best practices. Find out what needs to be done to raise the bar for CM.
Top Ten Requirements for Your CM and ALM Strategy Joe Farah takes an in-depth look at the top ten requirements needed for a successful next-generation configuration management and application lifecycle management solution strategy.
Release Management and Deployments: Why Is This So Important? Why do we wait to discuss releases and deployments until the last minute? Is this a result of our lack of planning and knowledge, or is there a deeper reason why we fail to plan properly? Joe Townsend digs into the release and deployment portions of the SDLC to try to shed some light on why we tend to neglect these crucial steps.
In MKS Integrity, why do I get error: No MDI GUI window up! Running "si.exe viewproject" in a shell I get the error message
"No MDI GUI window up!"
This happens only with parameter viewproject - other si command are working.
The System is:
MS Windows XP 2002 SP3
MKS Integrity Client 2009, SP 006-01
Any Idea why this happens?
Best Regard, Sebastian.
Need help - PVCS Tracker keeps hanging All.
I was hoping if someone could give me some advise regarding PVCS Tracker which keeps hanging. The issue started around the beginning of the year but wasn't a major issue as only occured maybe once a week or so. Since then however the problem has got gradually worse until now the system hangs maybe 4-5 times per day
We are using PVCS Tracker version 7.1.00 [build 632]
Any help, advise or direction regarding this will be much appreciated.
Synergy: Should I (a) Update then Sync, or (b) Sync then Update? We are using Telelogic Synergy Release 6.5.4096.
Some users have had repeated problems of Updating a Synergy project, but not getting the latest versions of files, even when no apparent file version conflict exists. For example, a folder with changes in it does not get revised to the next folder version with the new files in it.
The Update hasn't failed (no failed message in the "Messages" window), but the user's copy of the project is still not up-to-date with regard to that folder and its files.
Normally, our method has been to use "Sync Work Area", handle that set of files, then do the "Update" on the project.
It has been suggested that we should do the "Update" first, then the Sync. But, I think, the order doesn't matter because Synergy will not update files that have been changed by the user, for whatever reason.
Any idea of what's going on with the updates? |
Eight Ways to Release Failure—A Checklist “We don’t release software. It escapes!” (Carl, my former boss and a VP of Development)
My former boss, Carl, once tried enticing me to join his management team by emphasizing how badly the company could use my process discipline skills; it worked. I felt bad for them, and I was intrigued by the challenge. But, I learned at least as much as they did during my tenure there.
Over the course of my career, I have seen many instances of people failing at release management. In this article, I highlight eight statements that I have heard over the years from people in our line of work. Even though these people abide by these statements, they would never dare to repeat them out loud. I hope you will find inspiration not to follow these sayings!