
Conference Presentations

Game On: Automating Sports Video Game Testing

Sports video games are generally on a short cycle time—tied to the start of a particular sport’s season. Like all video games, the pressure is always on to add more features to sell...

Fazeel Gareeboo, EA Sports
Video: 42 Hundred Testers Under the Sea

This true story tells the tale of a company that’s dedicated to unleashing innovation by simplifying IT. But in order to bring these innovations to customers, many thousands of...

Mikael Fries and Mazen Arar, Oracle
STAREAST 2014: Leveraging Open Source Automation: A Selenium WebDriver Example

As online activities create more revenue than ever, organizations are turning to Selenium both to test their web applications and to reduce costs. Since Selenium is open source, there...

David Dang, Zenergy Technologies
Accelerate Testing in Agile through a Shared Business Domain Language

In agile projects, when the cycle from ideas to production shortens from months to hours, each software development activity—including testing—is impacted. Reaching this level of...

Laurent Py, Smartesting
Build the Right Regression Suite with Behavior-Driven Testing

Manual functional testing is a slow, tedious, and error prone process. As we continue to incrementally build software, the corresponding regression test suite continues to grow. Rarely...

Anand Bagmar, ThoughtWorks
Top Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation

Mobile apps bring a new set of challenges to testing—fast-paced development cycles with multiple releases per week, multiple app technologies and development platforms to support...

Fred Beringer, SOASTA
Software Data Analytics How to Incorporate Data Analytics into Your Software Process

Big data isn’t just a buzzword; it lives in your software. With millions of possibilities to leverage analytics, how do you pick what’s right for your organization? Robert Cross provides some insight into how to start incorporating data analytics into your software process and management plan.

Rob Cross's picture Rob Cross
Steve Berczuk talks about how Agile Impacts Configuration Management and Testing How Agile Impacts Configuration Management and Testing: An Interview with Steve Berczuk

Steve Berczuk is a regular contributor to TechWell and StickyMinds and a principal engineer and ScrumMaster at Fitbit in Boston. In this interview, Steve discusses configuration management and agile, helpful tools, and how testing has evolved over the years with the rise of agile.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Fixing the Brittleness Problem with GUI Tests

One common complaint about test automation is that it’s too brittle. Small changes in the system can cause lots of rework during the automated checks. In this article, Clint Hoagland shows a way to fix “the brittleness problem” by using the right abstractions in your automation design.

Clint Hoagland's picture Clint Hoagland
Development DNA The Evolution of z/OS Development

Kristin Cowhey explains how z/OS development has evolved throughout the years and what that means for developers and tech personnel. With legacy developers leaving the workforce, there’s a dire need to replace the knowledge in order to maintain the mainframe systems and applications that are still in use today. 

Kristin Cowhey's picture Kristin Cowhey


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