
Conference Presentations

Continuous Testing and New Tools for Automation

Learn how you can create a full continuous integration solution entirely in the cloud using GitHub, Selenium, Sauce Labs, and Travis CI. Michael Redman will show you how to take...

Michael Redman, Sauce Labs
Career and Organizational Development Within a Software Testing Environment

Being a software tester has its own unique set of challenges. To help testers overcome these challenges, it is vital to set up a system where employees have available a number of development opportunities, including on-the-job mentorship, coaching, classroom training, and a defined career...

Nate Shapiro, Blizzard Entertainment
Bringing Quality into DevOps

DevOps is represented by a set of principles and practices that help improve communication and collaboration between development and operations. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs have put together a great introduction showing how quality assurance needs to commence at the very start of a DevOps project.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Monetization 2.0: The Evolution of Software Licensing

The cloud and the rapid migration to mobile devices and the Internet of Things have made traditional software licensing schemes obsolete. Omkar describes new software monetization based on business, pricing models, and usage.

Omkarnath Munipalle's picture Omkarnath Munipalle
Release Management Definition What Is Release Management, and Why Is It Needed?

This article talks about what release management is, then tells you how to implement the concepts in an organization by explaining what skills are needed, how release managers work within a team, and how the process is related to continuous integration.

Salman Khwaja's picture Salman Khwaja
How Does Security Testing Fit in My QA Process?

Alan Crouch addresses the question most commonly raised by those who are new to security testing: "How does security testing fit in my QA process?" Alan explains that security testing shouldn't be limited to the QA process, but instead should be applied throughout the entire software development lifecycle. Read this FAQ column for suggestions on how to improve your chances for success in catching security issues.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
DevOps off the Rails Has DevOps Gone Off the Rails?

DevOps is evolving with some potentially very harmful choices embedded in it. Among these are poor adoption of sound computer science, little thought to the maintainability of DevOps code, and choices of tools based solely on productivity without concern for maintainability. Will this cause DevOps to fail to live up to its potential?

Clifford Berg's picture Clifford Berg
How Can You Get More Effective with DevOps?

By emphasizing better communication and collaboration between software development and IT, this article explores ways to establish trust by focusing on customer value. For example, Manoj Khanna suggests continuous integration and validation as techniques that helps build that trust.

Manoj Khanna's picture Manoj Khanna
Process Frameworks, Not Fixed Processes

The software development field has been consumed with process management ranging from inflexible, predictive waterfall all the way to self-governing, adaptable agile approaches. You probably already utilize a specific process methodology on your projects, but have you considered adopting an evolutionary learning cycle process framework instead?

Ryan Olivett's picture Ryan Olivett Bob Payne
Getting Started with Agile Getting Started Scaling DevOps

DevOps is a set of principles and practices that are effectively used to improve communication and collaboration between development and operations. But how exactly does one implement DevOps, and, more importantly, how do we scale DevOps to meet the needs of a larger enterprise application development? This article will help you get started with scaling DevOps.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello


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