

Joe Townsend talks about configuration management How Configuration Management Is Changing: An Interview with Joe Townsend

Joe Townsend has been working in the configuration management field for fifteen years and is a regular contributor to CMCrossroads. In this interview, Joe discusses how configuration management has changed over the years, the trouble with tools, and trends in IT.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
STARCANADA 2014: Test Automation Patterns

When implementing test automation, many people encounter problems: where to start with automation, high maintenance costs for the automated tests, or unrealistic management expectations...

Dorothy Graham, Independent Test Consultant
How DevOps Drives the Agile ALM

One of the most effective approaches to DevOps involves moving the automation of the application build, package, and deployment upstream to the beginning stages of the software development lifecycle—an industry best practice long before DevOps became as popular as it is today.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Managing Component Dependencies Managing Component Dependencies

Bob Aiello explains that software engineers and architects do an amazing job designing a system’s architecture that fully represents all of the parts of the system that are created during the development lifecycle. However, one of the biggest challenges is understanding how each part of the system depends upon the others.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Hans Buwalda talks Keyword-Driven Test Automation Keyword-Driven Test Automation: An Interview with Hans Buwalda

Hans Buwalda's experience covers being a developer, manager, and principal consultant for companies and organizations worldwide. In this interview, Hans talks about using keywords effectively, tests that have too many details, and the changing testing industry.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Why Do Defects Escape?

What happens when defects go unnoticed until it is too late? Mayank provides an insightful view of the true cost of not providing enough test coverage during a software development lifecycle. He also suggests some techniques to ensure that defects are identified and mitigated early.

Mayank Sharma's picture Mayank Sharma
Agile Development for Enterprise Software Scaling Agile Development for Enterprise Software

Enterprise development organizations are increasingly embracing agile as a concept, if not entirely in practice. That’s because adopting and scaling agile methodologies for large, complex enterprise software projects can seem daunting. Larry Ayres shares some tips for scaling agile development for enterprise software.

Larry Ayres's picture Larry Ayres
Communicating Effectively in Agile Development Projects Communicating Effectively in Agile Development Projects

In today’s fast-paced workplace, software developers and project managers are confronted with a painful paradox. They are faced with continual pressure to accelerate the development process, but this “need for speed” can result in communication failures—and the accompanying project and quality problems.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Greg Avola CTO, developer, and cofounder of Untappd On Beer, Mobile Development, and Crowdsourced Testing: An Interview with Greg Avola

Greg Avola is the CTO, developer, and cofounder of Untappd, the popular social beer network. In this interview, Greg discusses fast-paced mobile development, crowdsourced testing, and new testing tools that can help you navigate many different mobile platforms.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
You Can't Be Agile without Automated Unit Testing

Agile projects assume that test planning, test creation, and test execution take place throughout a project's lifecycle. So the need for unit testing (and especially automated unit testing) can't be ignored and should be considered as a key responsibility of the entire team—not just the software developers.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld


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