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Leverage the Power You Don't Know You Have[magazine]

Being technically gifted and performing great work may not be enough when you consider a large part of your job is getting others to collaborate with you. Bob McGannon gives some simple ways you can present yourself and your views that can result in greater job satisfaction and career success.

Bob McGannon's picture Bob McGannon
Build Management to DevOps From Build Management to DevOps: Lessons Learned[article]

When a team works across multiple build systems with a variety of tools, conditions, and approaches, a unified vision can help people move forward and be successful. This article shares lessons learned when migrating from build management to DevOps in an enterprise environment.

Eitan Schichmanter's picture Eitan Schichmanter
Nate Oster discusses the Kanban Racing Challenge The Kanban Racing Challenge: An Interview with Nate Oster [interview]

In this interview, Nate Oster explains the Kanban Racing Challenge, the unique benefits of kanban, the concept behind using radio-controlled cars within user-developed obstacle courses, and what he hopes his audience at Agile Development Conference East will walk away with. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Resistance to DevOps Overcoming Resistance to DevOps[article]

DevOps has it detractors, and they can send an enterprise back to the days when development and operations acted more like a volleyball game than a high-performance technology organization. This article will help you understand resistance to change involving DevOps and what you need to do in order to move that mountain.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Kerry Cox Jr. discusses risk and the importance of data encryption A Discussion on Data Encryption: An Interview with Kerry Cox Jr.[interview]

Kerry Cox Jr. of Simplified Network Solutions talks about his recent work with Project Sierra, data encryption, the risks often overlooked in our ever-connected world, and how working for the government has helped to shape his career and views on the importance of Internet security.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Database Drift Pushing Back against Database Drift[article]

You might know the phenomenon of database drift as version creep—or simply that sinking feeling when the production system isn’t in the state you expect it to be. If you’re having drift problems, the odds are that there’s a technical, process, or change management issue somewhere farther up the chain.

Roger Hart's picture Roger Hart
The Danger of Testing "Only" Stories[magazine]

Finding defects late is a common issue when teams don't consider levels of precision or detail. You must take into account how stories and features fit into the system. In this FAQ column, Janet Gregory tells you how you should remember the big picture—even while testing the small stuff.

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory
Integrated ALM Solutions Implementing Integrated ALM Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide[article]

Even with the increasing availability of highly effective integrated ALM solutions, lots of companies are still using a fragmented software ecosystem they have adopted over the years. This article explores the benefits of and the costs associated with migrating to an integrated system in order to maximize efficiency.

Kristof Horvath's picture Kristof Horvath
The Power of an Individual Tester: The Experience[presentation]

Like millions of other Americans, Ben Simo visited in search of health insurance and found a frustratingly buggy website that was failing to fulfill its purpose―to educate people on the new health insurance law and help them purchase health insurance. After failing to create...

Ben Simo, eBay Inc.
Softwarts: Security Testing for Muggles[presentation]

Security testing is often shrouded in jargon and mystique. Security conjurers perform arcane rites using supposed “black hat” techniques and would have us believe that we cannot do the same. The fact is that security testing “magic” is little more than specialized application of...

Paco Hope, Citigal
Quality Principles for Today's "Glueware"—Testing Web Services, Libraries, and Frameworks[presentation]

In the past, developers knew every line of code in their applications. They designed it, wrote it, tested it, and controlled it. Today’s applications are far different. Rather than written, they are often assembled―from program language libraries, third-party frameworks, encapsulated...

Julie Gardiner, Redmind
Performance Engineering in 2014: Level Up Your Skills[presentation]

Agile, continuous delivery, and DevOps have changed the way we develop, test, and deploy software. And as performance engineers and architects we need to level up our skills and change the way we do our day-to-day job. Join Andreas Grabner to walk through...

Andreas "Andi" Grabner, Dynatrace
Leading a QA Organization in Today's World[presentation]

Leading a QA organization is not what it once was. Software and technology are exponentially more complex. The workforce is global. There are a variety of testing techniques and areas of focus. Tons of tools are available that help in a range of ways. Expectations of delivering quality...

Joe Byrne, Ellie Mae
Gamification in Assurance: The Future of QA and Testing Workspace[presentation]

Quality Assurance and Testing is an interesting and challenging profession. As custodians of the business, we are responsible for assuring both the business and the end customer experience. Even though some testing activities have become mundane and repetitive, testing...

Kannan Subramaniam, Comcast, and Prasad MK, TCS
Eliminate the Testing Swiss Cheese Syndrome[presentation]

Test plans and test coverage often resemble Swiss cheese—full of holes in high risk areas of code. And teams may be unaware because they lack sufficient visibility into what areas of...

Rich Newman, Coverity


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