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Software Testing’s Future—According to Lee Copeland[presentation]

The original IEEE 829 Test Documentation standard is thirty years old this year. Boris Beizer’s first book on software testing, Software Testing Techniques, also passed thirty. Testing Computer Software, the best-selling book on software testing, is more than twenty five. During the past...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Scaling Git for the Enterprise[presentation]

Due to its ease of use and distributed repository infrastructure, Git is quickly becoming the version control system of choice for many. Getting started takes only a few minutes, and available online tutorials explain Git basics and more advanced features including branching. As easy as...

Bob Aiello, CM Best Practices Consulting
We Need It by the End of the Year: What's Your Estimate?[presentation]

Letting good estimates made by smart people be overwhelmed by the strong desires of powerful people is a cardinal sin of project management. Accurate estimates are the foundation of all critical project decisions regarding staffing, functionality, delivery date, and budget. How do we...

Tim Lister, Atlantic Systems Guild, Inc.
Meeting Strict Documentation Requirements in Agile[presentation]

Teams in many organizations are still expected to produce and maintain significant amounts of documentation. This is generally the case in Federal, state, and local governments where systems must comply with SOX, HIPPA, NAIC, FDA, or SEC directives. In recent years, Agile has made...

Craeg Strong, Savant Financial Technologies, Inc.
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference East 2014: Seven Deadly Habits of Ineffective Software Managers[presentation]

As if releasing a quality software project on time were not difficult enough, poor management of planning, people, and process issues can be deadly to a project. Presenting a series of anti-pattern case studies, Ken Whitaker describes the most common deadly habits—along with ways to avoid...

Ken Whitaker, Leading Software Maniacs
The Roots of Agility[presentation]

What we mean by Agile is becoming less and less clear. Rob Myers shares sixteen years of history and observation, noting the amazingly diverse ideologies and...

Rob Myers
Seven Key Metrics to Improve Agile Performance[presentation]

It’s been said: If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. For most agile teams burndown charts and some type of velocity measurement are all they are doing. However, with just a few more metrics, you can gain substantial insight into how teams are performing and identify improvement...

Andrew Graves, InterContinental Hotels Group
Agility at Scale: WebSphere’s Agile Transformation[presentation]

In today's rapidly changing environment, organizations—both large and small—must quickly respond to shifting market requirements to remain competitive. To be successful, many are adopting agile development and continuous delivery methodologies to deliver software quickly, while keeping...

Susan Hanson, IBM Software Group
Better Software Conference East 2014: Lean Software Development Is for Everyone[presentation]

Lean software engineering emphasizes continuous delivery of high quality applications. Ken Pugh explains the principles and practices that form the basis of lean software development―concentrating on developing a continuous flow by eliminating delays and loopbacks; delivering quickly...

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Making Agile Work—with Eleven Product Owners[presentation]

Small companies that have been highly successful delivering software often struggle as they grow larger and their software needs to grow with them. They must learn to manage multiple technology platforms and multiple releases while dealing with the associated roadmaps and...

Neal Huffman, Apex Capital Corp.
Product Management: Optimizing the What to Develop[presentation]

Most organizations struggle with the processes that define what software they should develop, when to do it, and how it will evolve over time—all parts of the product management role and activities. Because repeatable processes have not been established and organizations cope with...

Ernani Ferrari, Mondo Strategies
Shifting Left: The Evolution of Test Automation[presentation]

As the software development lifecycle shifts toward agile and lean methodologies, quality in every build becomes critical. Continuous integration allows development teams to receive immediate feedback on their code, creating more efficiency and higher quality...

Jennifer Bonine, tap|QA, Inc., and Michael Faulise, tap | QA
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference East 2014: EARS: The Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax[presentation]

One key to specifying effective functional requirements is minimizing misinterpretation and ambiguity. By employing a consistent syntax in your requirements, you can improve readability and help ensure that everyone on the team understands exactly what to develop. John Terzakis provides...

John Terzakis, Intel
A Holistic View of Complex Systems and Organizational Change[presentation]

One of the most misunderstood concepts in the agile community, complexity is often used to explain why we can’t predict anything or why there are no rules we can follow. Ironically, it is exactly this attitude that allows complexity to work against us. Al Shalloway discusses the true...

Al Shalloway, Net Objectives
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference East 2014: Emergent Design: History, Concepts, and Principles[presentation]

Software design is about change. A good design facilitates adding features—and adding new developers to the team. Yet any change to the code impacts design and could damage existing functionality. Without design idioms and practices, the code can degrade into a "big ball of spaghetti”...

Rob Myers, Agile Institute


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