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Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference East 2014: Emergent Design: History, Concepts, and Principles[presentation]

Software design is about change. A good design facilitates adding features—and adding new developers to the team. Yet any change to the code impacts design and could damage existing functionality. Without design idioms and practices, the code can degrade into a "big ball of spaghetti”...

Rob Myers, Agile Institute
Automating End-to-End Business Scenario Testing[presentation]

Allstate Insurance had a problem. While thoroughly testing each of their more than thirty business systems, they were still failing to provide good service to their clients, agents, and internal customers. The reason was simple. Implementing end-to-end business processes requires more than...

Sandra Alequin, Allstate Insurance and Monika Mehrotra, Infosys, Ltd.
How Agile and Project Management Can Coexist[presentation]

Through the years—until agile software development took hold, that is—project management provided visibility to stakeholders and helped guide product development. However, as agile has risen to prominence with its de-emphasis on formal project planning, there are gaps that many...

James Hannon, The Bentley Group International
The Magic of Assumptions[presentation]

There are no “facts” about the future. Everything we think we know about tomorrow is based on what we think we know about the world today and our assumptions of where that will likely lead. Through a process of trial and error successful project managers, software developers, testers, and...

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group, Inc.
Assessing Agile Engineering Practices[presentation]

Organizations are often reluctant to adopt the more challenging agile engineering practices—first seen together in Extreme Programming and later adopted by the Scrum Alliance as the Scrum Developer Practices. These practices are difficult to implement and sustain, and the benefits are...

Rob Myers, Agile Institute
Service Virtualization: Speed Up Delivery and Improve Quality[presentation]

“We could not test this because…” Every technology professional has experienced issues during system testing when unit testing was overlooked or cut short. Every project team has hit roadblocks during system testing when dependent systems or complicated data have been unavailable...

Anne Hungate, DIRECTV, and Robb Kelman, DIRECTV
Simplify Project and Portfolio Planning with “Real Options”[presentation]

Do you work in an organization that spends too much time budgeting, road mapping, and planning their project roadmap or portfolio? Do you ever feel like all this effort is pointless and wasteful? Do you think perhaps there might be a simpler, more pragmatic way? If so, this session is for...

Matt Barcomb, DevJam, and David Hussman, DevJam
Toward a Well-Run, Cross-Functional, High-Performance Team[presentation]

Behind every successful delivery to a customer, there is a well-run, cross-functional team. They trust each other; they work well together. Yet every team, agile or not, faces the challenges of building such a team. And, despite their best efforts, many teams fail in this attempt, never...

Fuming Ye, Pitney Bowes
Better Software Conference East 2014: You Said What? Becoming Aware of the Things We Say[presentation]

Most of us take language for granted. We use words without thinking about how they may affect others and then are surprised at the reaction we get. Learn the importance of language in building and maintaining high performing agile teams. Become more aware of the words you choose and the...

Doc List, Doc List Enterprises
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone―Now[presentation]

In an industry that continues to rapidly evolve, the pressure to increase our mastery can be overwhelming. Whether browsing the web or your organization's technical library, it's discouraging to realize that many of the skills you’ve mastered are now obsolete, replaced by...

Tricia Broderick
Cloud Computing: Yes, It Will Radically Change Your World[presentation]

You can't read a technology article these days without some mention of "the cloud." Many have labeled it the next sea-change in the industry; others point out that the model has been around for ages. Regardless of its origins, the cloud certainly does change things. But the bigger question...

Mike Wood, Red Gate Software
Grooming the Backlog: Plan the Work, Work the Plan[presentation]

Stories in the backlog must be ready to go in time to begin each sprint—priorities are set, stories are at the Goldilocks level of granularity (not too big, and not too small), and stakeholders are prepared to discuss the details. Getting the backlog ready and grooming it take serious...

Andy Berner, QSM, Inc.
Privacy and Data Security: Minimizing Reputational and Legal Risks[presentation]

Privacy and data security are hot topics among US state and federal regulators as well as plaintiffs’ lawyers. Companies experiencing data breaches have been fined millions of dollars, paid out millions in settlements, and spent just as much on breach remediation efforts. In the past...

Tatiana Melnik, Melnik Legal, PLCC
Dealing with Auditors: Helping Them Understand Agile[presentation]

It is widely understood that agile mitigates project execution risks. However, auditors and regulators unfamiliar with the agile process often reject it as non-compliant. In regulated industries, organizations seeking to adopt agile are often challenged to provide evidence that...

Steve Nunziata, Independent Consultant
Develop a Defect Prevention Strategy—or Else![presentation]

Defects occurring throughout the development of a software project penalize the project. The effort spent remediating these defects robs the project team of valuable time, resources, and money that could otherwise be used for further innovation and delivering the highest possible quality...

Scott Aziz, Cognizant


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