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Prathap Dendi discusses continuous integration and mobile application testing Continuous Integration and Mobile Application Testing: An Interview with Prathap Dendi[interview]

In this interview, Prathap Dendi speaks about and why testers should be interested in continuous integration and continuous delivery, as well as why agile is such a natural fit for mobile development. Prathap also tackles the impact of cloud and mobile on international business.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Can We Do Agile? Barriers to Agile Adoption[presentation]

“Can we do agile?” is a question often asked by individuals enviously looking at the impressive results reported by other organizations that adopted agile practices. What they are usually concerned about are the commonly perceived barriers to agile adoption: large scale, legacy...

Steve Adolph, Blue Agility
Managing Technological Diversity: Avoid Boiling the Ocean[presentation]

Drop everything! We need to regression test the newest browser version. Apple just released a new device and iOS. We need to test our site on IE11 with Windows 8.1. Sound familiar? The number of technologies our software products must be compatible with has grown exponentially, and the...

Katy Douglass, Nationwide Financial
Continuous Delivery: Never Send a Human to Do a Machine’s Job[presentation]

Until your code is in production, making money for your business, or otherwise doing what it was built to do, you are merely building toy castles in a technological sandbox. Continuous delivery gets more business value into production as soon as possible, validates business decisions, and...

Steve Povilaitis, LeadingAgile, LLC
Seven Principles of Cross-Continent, Distributed Development[presentation]

Many teams practice agile development as an integral part of their organization with the benefits of collocation and local decision making. However, it is increasingly more common to develop code across continents, either in distributed organizations or with the help of offshore...

Igor Gejdos, Roche Diagnostics
Non-Functional Requirements: Forgotten, Neglected, and Misunderstood[presentation]

Implementing non-functional requirements is essential to build the right product. Yet teams often struggle with when and how to discover, specify, and test these requirements. Many teams neglect non-functional requirements up front, considering them less important or unrelated to user...

Paul Reed, EBG Consulting
Avoiding Over Design and Under Design[presentation]

The question of how much design to do up-front on a project is an engaging conundrum. Too much design often results in excess complexity and wasted effort. Too little design results in a poor architecture or insufficient system structures which require expensive rework and hurt more in the...

Al Shalloway, Net Objectives
Incorporating 360 Degree App Quality in Mobile Development[presentation]

The exploding apps economy has increased the businesses’ need to have a strong mobile app presence. This has spurred a dramatic upward shift in mobile app development. Traditionally, testing has been done in the lab, replicating user environments and usage scenarios. However, that...

Roy Solomon, Applause
Putting Quality in the Driver’s Seat with DevOps and ATDD[presentation]

Capital One has a highly integrated environment, creating many dependencies for its agile teams. As a result, the teams faced prolonged and increasingly more difficult sprints over time, and did not realize expected improvements in time to market. As Capital One Technology worked through...

Adam Auerbach, Capital One
From Chaos to Order—Leading Software Teams Today[presentation]

To successfully lead “the nerd herd,” you’re expected to motivate your team to perform, encourage innovation, and produce software solutions that delight the customer. Prioritizing your time for what’s most important can be quite challenging—especially when you’re swamped with a...

Ken Whitaker
Test Automation in Agile: A Successful Implementation[presentation]

Many teams feel that they are forced to make an either/or decision when it comes to investing time to automate tests versus executing them manually. Sometimes a “silver bullet” tool is purchased, and testers are forced to use it when there may be a better option; other times unskilled team...

Melissa Tondi, Denver Automation and Quality Engineering
Data-Driven Software Testing: The New, Lean Approach to Quality[presentation]

The Internet of Things and always connected devices are generating exabytes of user data and device telemetry. Organizations worldwide are leveraging this data for new products and new business insights, but this data is also fundamentally changing how organizations drive, assess, and...

Ken Johnston, Microsoft
Crafting Smaller User Stories: Examples and Exercises[presentation]

Agile development techniques generally emphasize frequent iterations. But even after adopting agile values, methods, and ceremonies, many organizations struggle to make such iterations work in practice. These organizations inevitably wrestle with agile rhythms until they learn to break up...

Stephen Frein, Comcast
The Coming Mobile Wearable World[presentation]

For better or for worse, like it or not, mobile wearables are already changing our lives. Combined with social media, mobile wearable devices form a new generation of personalized technology that knows us better than our closest friends. How many of your friends know how far you...

Philip Lew, XBOSoft
Software Managers: Their Place in Agile[presentation]

No more managers! No more hierarchy! A truly self organizing, self-running team! These phrases strike fear into managers almost as much as: We are moving to agile. As successful companies like Zappos, GitHub, and Treehouse discard managers from their teams, other software...

Brian Sobus, Teradata


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