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Cloud Computing: Powering the Future of Development and Testing[presentation]

Developers and testers are under constant pressure to operate more efficiently, cut costs, and deliver on time. Without access to scalable, flexible, and cost effective computing resources, these challenges are magnified.

Brian White, Skytap, Inc.
The Right Question for the Right Requirements[presentation]

How often have you gone down the road of developing software almost to completion only to discover new requirements that require significant design and coding changes at the last minute?

Jack Jones, KMI
Group Interaction Patterns: The Keys for Highly Productive Teams[presentation]

Development teams often fail to recognize the complex group interactions and multi-person relationships that are critical to build and maintain a highly productive team.

Michael Wolf, Self
Danger! Danger! Your Mobile Applications Are Not Secure[presentation]

A new breed of mobile devices with sophisticated processors and ample storage has given rise to sophisticated applications that move more and more data and business logic to devices.

Johannes Ullrich, SANS Technology Institute
Cloud-based Testing: Flexible, Scalable, On-demand, and Cheaper[presentation]

Cloud computing is here to stay-and it is changing the way we test software. Cloud-based testing offers flexible, scalable, and on-demand infrastructure services.

Tauhida Parveen, Independent Testing Consultant
Better Software Conference East 2012: Data Collection and Analysis for Better Requirements[presentation]

According to the Standish group, 64 percent of features in systems are rarely-or never-used. How does this happen?

Brandon Carlson, Lean TECHniques, Inc.
Reduce Release Cycle Time: Nine Months to a Week - Nice![presentation]

Picture this scene from three years ago: Employing the corporately mandated processes, a software engineering team is delivering system updates about once every nine months.

Mathew Bissett, UK Government
It's a Phone First! How to Test Your Five-star Mobile Apps[presentation]

Mobile application development shares many similarities-and some stark differences-with traditional web-based development.

Will Hurley, Will Hurley - Quality and Security Services
The Lean and Agile Way into the Cloud[presentation]

Advances in technologies-virtualization, cheap storage, high-speed networks-and a growing comfort with the Internet's security and reliability are leading to widespread adoption of cloud computing.

Yash Talreja, The Technology Gurus
Using Business Objectives to Design Better Products[presentation]

When software products are late to launch, a practical solution is to drop features from a release while still delivering a product your customers will love.

Joy Beatty, Blue Ocean Services at Seilevel, Inc.
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference East 2012: Seven Deadly Habits of Dysfunctional Software Managers[presentation]

As if releasing a quality software project on time were not difficult enough, poor management dealing with planning, people, and process issues can be deadly to a project.

Ken Whitaker, Leading Software Maniacs
Form Follows Function: The Architecture of a Congruent Organization[presentation]

One principle architects employ when designing buildings is "form follows function." That is, the layout of a building should be based upon its intended function.

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Embracing Uncertainty: A Most Difficult Leap of Faith[presentation]

For the past couple of years, Dan North has been working with and studying teams who are dramatically more productive than any he's ever seen. In weeks they produce results that take other teams months.

Dan North, Lean Technology Specialist
Adaptive Leadership: Accelerating Enterprise Agility[presentation]

Agile practices have proven to help software teams develop better software products while shortening delivery cycles to weeks and even days.

Jim Highsmith, ThoughtWorks, Inc.
Games Software People Play: Reasoning, Tactics, Biases, Fallacies[presentation]

As engineers and doers, we make rational, well-thought-out decisions based on facts and figures. Or do we?

Philippe Kruchten, Kruchten Engineering Services, Ltd.


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