The Latest

How to Break Web Software[presentation]

If you're new to testing Web applications or facing new challenges, you may feel overwhelmed by the terminology and multiple technologies of today's Web environments.

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Code Coverage in the Internet Age[presentation]

With the proliferation of mobile devices, cloud computing, and client-side scripting-coupled with web services-how do you guarantee adequate code coverage for your applications?

Michael Portwood, The Nielsen Company
Maslow's Hierarchy of Quality: Realigning Your Thinking[presentation]

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a popular model that describes the stages of human psychological development.

Anu Kak, PayPal, Inc.
Cross-platform Testing at Microsoft[presentation]

Microsoft Office products have been available on Windows-based and Apple Mac personal computers for many years.

Jean Hartmann, Microsoft Corporation
Performance Testing in the Agile World[presentation]

Like agile development, performance testing is an iterative process in which new problems and risks are identified, and appropriate steps are taken to fix issues or mitigate risks.

Sai Subramanian, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Mobile Test Automation: Lessons Learned in the Trenches[presentation]

With mobile applications becoming more and more mission critical for the enterprise, testing teams are increasingly looking to automate the test cases for their mobile applications.

Manish Mathuria, InfoStretch Corporation
Engineering an Enterprise Selenium Framework[presentation]

Manipulating a web page is only the beginning of test automation. A large test automation suite contains an enormous amount of information about a system. Creating and maintaining such a system can be a nightmare if done incorrectly.

Brian Kitchener, Pearson eCollege
Combinatorial Test Design: Beyond the Gee-wiz Numbers[presentation]

Combinatorial Test Design (CTD) is a great technique to ensure that your tests cover your test space thoroughly at a depth that matches the level of risk.

Karen Rosengren, IBM
The Vital P's of Testing: Purpose, People, and Process[presentation]

When building a testing organization, where do you start? Technical skills? Domain knowledge? Testing experience? The cheapest resource? A set of testing tools? A formal test process?

Michael Hendry, UNUM Corporation
STARWEST 2012: Testing in the DevOps World of Continuous Delivery[presentation]

DevOps is an increasingly popular development approach focused on ensuring that delivered code is immediately stable and works as expected.

Manoj Narayanan, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Agile, Automation, and the Cloud[presentation]

The cry throughout organizations today is “move to the cloud”. However useful the cloud may be, testing applications hosted in the cloud presents an additional set of challenges.

Kiran Karnad, Mimos Berhad
Static Testing Comes to Agile: A Simplified Inspection Process that Works[presentation]

Costs soar when defects are not discovered until system testing-or worse, in production. Inspections can drive down delivery times, drive out defects, and help align business and IT expectations.

Anne Hungate, Nationwide Insurance
The Many Flavors of Exploratory Testing[presentation]

The concept of exploratory testing is evolving, and different interpretations and variations are emerging and maturing.

Gitte Ottosen, Sogeti Denmark
Three New Technologies that Will Disrupt Your Test Organization[presentation]

Which forces are shaping the future of your test organization-processes, tools, technologies? It is a simple-and misleading-question. The test organization is not the center of the universe.

Klaus Haller, Swisscom IT Services
Forgotten Wisdom from the Ancient Testers[presentation]

In our increasingly agile world, collaboration is the new buzzword. But collaboration is hard to do well.

Dorothy Graham, Consultant


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