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Traditional Ajax Vs. New Business-targeted Ajax[article]

This article compares traditional Ajax, represented by ASP.NET, to the new Ajax approach, represented by Visual WebGUI. The article presents an opportunity for developers to learn how to focus their development efforts on algorithms, requirements, and business logics using the new approach to Ajax which provides maximal flexibility, interoperability, and interactivity with any traditional Web applications, controls set, and architectures.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor

In the space of a few syllables, the word resistentialism is packed with humour, rhythm, profound insight, philosophy, multilingual wordplay and astute commentary on much irksome code. So what does resistentialism mean? And what does it have to do with code?

  • "Resistentialism is a jocular theory in which inanimate objects display hostile desires towards human beings."
  • "The theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior toward us."
Kevlin Henney's picture Kevlin Henney
Testing Innocence[article]

Chris McMahon is a tester who likes to take a look at the code under the application's hood. Although he has heard that developers and testers alike argue that this makes for less effective testing, he is here to argue that reading and writing code is part of the testing craft and that the ability to read and write code in the service of testing is critically important for the professional tester.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
What's in a Name? A Lot, Actually.[article]

Good names make a design easy to understand, help clarify intent, and provide inspiration. But those perfect names can be a real struggle to discover. In his book Implementation Patterns, Kent Beck writes: "Finding just the right name is one of the most satisfying moments in programming."

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Rocks into Gold: Part 2[article]

This short book, written by Clarke Ching, is a "biztech" parable for software developers who want to survive—and then thrive—through a credit crunch. We have republished the book in a four-part series. In part two, Bob, Bill, and Sam discover how a rocky economy can flip project costs and return on investments and how much money could be lost by canning the FBU project. Can they use these projections to save the project and their jobs?

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
Three Kinds of Measurement and Two Ways to Use Them[magazine]

Are software development and testing sciences subject to the same kind of numerical measurement that we use in physics? If not, what kinds of measurements should we use? How could we think more usefully about measurement?

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The State of the Practice[magazine]

While software testing focuses on detection rather than prevention, we can argue that it has become a powerful counter-offensive against bugs. We can equally argue that many of today's software practices impede quality. Ross Collard compares these two positions and invites you to join the discussion.

Ross Collard's picture Ross Collard

It's been said that, over time, charismatic movements often evolve to become "bureaucratic"—focused on a set of standardized procedures that dictate the execution of the processes within the movement. Has Scrum evolved to this point or is there still a place for agility in our processes?

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
IDEs and Build Scripts[magazine]

Teams benefit from using both IDEs like Eclipse and integration tools like Maven. Steve Berczuk discusses the risks that can occur when IDEs and build scripts diverge, and provides guidelines for keeping the two consistent, so that teams can be more productive.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
It Takes a Village[magazine]

Pair programming is an Agile practice that has been shown to greatly improve code quality without a huge increase in development time. This article explains the ins and outs of pair programming and some things you need to consider before you tell team members to grab a partner and get programming.

Ronica Roth's picture Ronica Roth
Software Longevity Testing: Planning for the Long Haul[magazine]

How long do you let your software run during testing? An increasing number of software applications are intended to run indefinitely, in an always-on operating environment. And yet, few test plans include more than a brief memory leak test case. Learn how to test for problems due to the passing of time and problems due to cumulative usage.

Steven Woody's picture Steven Woody
The Whos and Wheres of Stakeholder Requirements[magazine]

Whether you're working on a collocated or a distributed team, it's important to take stakeholder requirements into account: "Who" are they and "where" are they located? In this article, Mary Gorman offers some tips to help you narrow the gap between thinking and acting globally and locally.

Mary Gorman's picture Mary Gorman
Rescuing a Captive Project[magazine]

Allowing an individual to hold a project hostage to his knowledge and expertise is bad for the project and for the team. Fiona Charles describes one captive project and shows how it could have been remedied.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Food for Thought[magazine]

Ideas about testing can come from many different and unexpected sources, including reductionism, agronomy, cognitive psychology, mycology, and general systems. Michael feasts on Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" and finds much to whet the tester's appetite for learning about how things work.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
A Great Read: "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know"[article]

My colleague Steve Berczuk recently pointed me to the O'Reilly 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know project, and I've been digesting little bits and pieces from it ever since. This project is a community-contributed set of short essays that will ultimately be culled into an O'Reilly book edited by Kevlin Henney. At the time I'm writing this, there are 88 entries selected and edited for the book.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman


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