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Replacing Manual Verification with Gold Master Tests[article]

This past week our team had been asked to make some modifications to an e-mail that was sent to customers after they made a purchase. The change was fairly routine; add some text that should only display under a certain condition. The e-mails were fairly easy to generate as the team had chosen the Velocity library as the template system. In fact, there was a way to generate some sample e-mails without starting up the application server.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Managing Your Analysis Debt[magazine]

What is your project's analysis debt load? What's the difference between good and bad analysis debt? What are causes and remedies for such debt? Mary Gorman and Ellen Gottesdiener explore the concept of analysis debt and consider strategies for prudent investing.

Ellen Gottesdiener's picture Ellen Gottesdiener Mary Gorman
Par for the Course[magazine]

What can happen over a game of golf? You learn what you don't know, you learn more about what you do know, and you learn to listen to what others know. See how two managers and a caddy team up for some valuable lessons about staying out of the rough.

Patrick Bailey's picture Patrick Bailey
Constructing the Quality Story[magazine]

Knowledge doesn't just exist; we build it. Sometimes we disagree on what we've got, and sometimes we disagree on how to get it. Hard as it may be to imagine, the experimental approach itself was once controversial. What can we learn from the disputes of the past? How do we manage skepticism and trust and tell the testing story?

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
We Be Agile: What Does It Mean to Be Agile?[article]

Here is a simple exercise for gaining a common understanding and consensus about what it means to you, the team, and the organization to be Agile.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Value of Configuration Management by Agile Professionals[article]

Mario Moreira surveyed recently surveyed agile professionals to find out just how valuable CM processes and tools are to them. While there was a noticeable difference in opinion between different responder age groups, the overall response was overwhelmingly positive in CM's favor.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
What is Agile Project Management on a Scrum Project?[article]

When traditionally managed organizations first adopt Scrum—an agile project management approach that includes the roles of Product Owner, ScrumMaster, and Team Member(s—there is often an assumption that project managers are the default choice to serve in the role of ScrumMaster. But examining the definitions of these roles as found in leading sources suggests that this assumption is probably wrong or at least misguided. In fact, the responsibilities of project management as defined in traditional literature are not aligned with the ScrumMaster role at all. Despite this apparent disconnect, the Scrum framework incorporates more traditional project management practices than is at first apparent.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Making Your Data Speak[article]

Most IT organizations are investing in gathering and reporting data. However, returns from these measurement programs are questionable. Sometimes, the measurement initiatives lag in useful metrics definition. However, most measurement programs fail as they are not able to convert reported data into actions. This paper describes a five-step approach by answering some of existing challenges through selected statistical tools while involving stakeholders in timely manner in order to make data speak and transform into actions.

Kulpreet Nanda
15 Useful Test Cases for Ensuring Consistent User Interfaces[article]

When testing user interfaces, it is easy to overlook test cases that ensure your user interface is user-friendly and
consistent. This newsletter identifies fifteen test cases that might be considered when testing user interfaces for consistency.

Steve Miller
QA Is Not Evil[magazine]

A software tester re-examines the role of software testers in quality assurance work, helping implement software development processes. If testers are knowledgeable, helpful, and supportive, they may be in the best possible position to help the team improve its software development process.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
Outside the Strike Zone[magazine]

In a counterpoint to his previous Technically Speaking column, Lee explains why holding fast to one's beliefs is not necessarily a bad thing.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Telling Better User Stories[magazine]

While the idea of a user story is simple on the surface, there are challenges to working with them. User story mapping is a useful way to organize, decompose, and prioritize user stories.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton
Prepare to Succeed[magazine]

Another pair of eyes will find bugs, but code reviews are traditionally time consuming and painful. Learn how modern, lightweight techniques make code reviews effective and practical.

Jason Cohen
Countdown to Agility[magazine]

Jean Tabaka believes in the power of an entire agile organization. These ten characteristics of an agile organization may seem counter to market success, but she explores why they are wholly embedded in twenty-first century business success.

Jean Tabaka's picture Jean Tabaka
For Software Quality, Look to Batman[article]

The life of a software product is a continual stream of feature additions, enhancements, and even removals. But a great product doesn't (usually) outshine its competitors because of the sheer number of features, it's because those features are really useful or work well together. It's a difficult balance that requires a lot of iteration and experimentation.


For advice on tackling this difficult problem, you might try looking to Batman.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman


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